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  • Dedicated to Chris

This is exactly what I wanted to avoid, my plan was to force Harry to drop me off a few blocks down like he used to do when we first met but I had a strong feeling that he'd pull this stunt.

"Don't argue then, just fight me." Harry pushes my father back.

"Excuse me?"

"I know you want to put your hands on Marty " Harry cracks his knuckles. "Just as much as I want to do the same to you, make a move. I dare you, I've been waiting for the day you touch me just so I could beat you to the ground."

"Hey!" I grab Harry's hand but he snatches it away focusing on my father.

"Oh believe me I would but you're nothing but some worthless piece of shit. Why the hell are you here with her? I made it clear to you-" My father's face is burning red.

"She came to me! With a fucking mark on the side of her god damn face because of you!" Harry shoves him again, I grab the back of his shirt and quietly say his name hoping he'd give me his attention and not my father's.

"What goes on in my house is not any of your business."

"My girlfriend, my business."

In a way there was a small piece of me who didn't even want to stop Harry this time. I was angry just as much as he was but I just handled it a different way. I actually wanted Harry to hit him, just once, so he can feel the pain he's been making me deal with, with all his bullshit and paranoia.

"Girlfriend? You left the hospital, you left her."

"You don't get it do you? What your daughter and I have is something you never had and never will ever since her mother left." Harry grins in his face.

For once while Harry speaks, my father is silenced. Harry nods licking his lips and adds gasoline to the small flame. "You're jealous, just admit it. I know how to fight and more importantly I know how to keep what I care about. I wouldn't just let her walk away, I wouldn't let her shut the door in my face...I'm more of a man than you ever will be. I'm worthless? Tell that to the woman you loved and let walk out the door."

My father doesn't say a word in response and it actually looked like that everything Harry just said actually got to him. A part of me is glad that he seems to finally get it, but the other half is heart broken seeing the hurt expressing his face.

"You aren't getting rid of me, so get used to getting into altercations like this. They won't stop because I'm not leaving. You hear me Marty?"

"Harry," I had to stop this, I didn't like the way my father was looking. "Just go."

He seems more than satisfied and powerful when he faces me. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah." I say barely audible, he leans down and kisses my temple and walls away.

I stand there with my head down hearing the car back out of the driveway, when I hear it take off down the road I lift my head.

He looked so sad, hurt, confused, and irritated at the same time.

"Dad?" I step closer and lift his head up with my finger. I suck in a deep breath seeing his eyes gloss over with tears. "Why are you-"

"Nothing, nothing," He shakes his head and steps back blinking them away quickly. "Uhm, we'll...we'll talk later. Do you want some breakfast?"

"I'm really sorry about Harry saying-"

"I can make sausages or bacon...better yet, I'll make both." He says seemingly deep in thoight."


"Yeah, I'll make both." He whispers before walking away from me and up the driveway.

That must've really got to him. Harry and my father have hit each other with a lot of low blows, but what made this one so different? What was said very specifically that made my father space out?

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