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  • Dedicated to Chris

Dressed in black jeans with a plain purple top I stood on the curb wishing I brought a jacket with me, I didn't realize it'd be so windy. I told my father that I'd be helping Ana in the library, risky I know. But my dad hates libraries, they are way too quiet and boring for his liking so it's not like he'd go in there to check if I was there or not. I am relieved when I see Harry's car approaching, when he was parked in front of me I slide in.

"Are you okay?" He asks before driving off.

"Surprisingly, yes I am." I smile at him.

He does the same before turning his attention back towards the road. He must've checked the weather reports because he was dressed warmly in a black hoodie and this time sported dark blue skinny jeans, but they were still dark to the point they almost looked black. Anyways, despite the weather it was pretty nice this afternoon, a bit cloudy but still nice.

"Can you cut on some music?" I ask quietly.

He turns it to a station and cuts up the volume, I scream out of shock when all I heard were electric guitars and drums playing and covered my ears. "That's really loud!"

"I know." He grins turning it up louder.

I click my teeth and turn it down. "I'd rather sit in peace if you are going to turn it up that loud."

"Well I'm not going to listen to whatever the hell you have on your iPod."

"Excuse me? You don't know what kind of music I listen to."

"Well it's certainly not rock. Let me take a wild guess and say you listen to those clowns that make love songs."

"Something like that but you'll never guess who-"

"Elliot Yamin, Rob Thomas, Matt's gotta be at least one of those three."

I smile looking out the window. Truth be told it was all three of them and more.


He laughs and shakes his head knowing I was lying. The rest of the car ride we spent in peace, when we got to the lake nobody was there of course because it wasn't a sunny day. This lake was as close as I've gotten to a sort of beach, it was peaceful here though. It was on the edge of town and the lake was fairly big and during the summer there would always be geese running around like there is today. Instead of sand it was almost like dirt with gravel mixed with it, and there were fallen tree branches here and there due to bad thunder storms these past few years.

Harry and I got out of the car, he walks over to his trunk and I stand there biting my lip wondering what he's doing. He then closes it now holding a brown leather journal in his hand

"What is that?" I ask curiously following him like a lost puppy as he makes his way over to one of the broken tree branches.

"My journal, I write in it."

"Well what else is a journal used for?" I tease sitting on the stump, Harry sits down in the sand in front of me though bending his legs at the knees.



He starts to flip the pages wondrously as I began to fidget with my hands tempted to take that journal from him and read every single page he's written in, it's an invasion of privacy and completely out of line but Harry barely speaks and when he does he's only telling me about how I should live my life or what I'm thinking, other than that it's nothing. I needed to know what really goes through his mind.

"You want to read it," His lips spread as he looks at me. "Don't you?"

"Well, yes I do."

"I can't let you, however," He says and starts flipping to a page. "I was wondering if you could read this poem, it's not mine but it's one of my favorites written by someone else."

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