Seventy Five;

838 24 1
  • Dedicated to Chris

Why is he saying all of these things? This is why I don't like to argue with him, because it's like if we argue about one thing we end up arguing about everything.

"I didn't mean-"

"Oh, don't try that card on me," He cuts me off. "I bet you were enjoying your week off from me."

"Harry, you are being-"

"I bet you were with him. Weren't you?"

"Why are you-"

"Answer me." He demands.

"He walked me home yesterday and that's it. That was the only time I saw him." I explain causally.

His face contorts in to disgust as he turns away and then turns back around. "You're telling me you were with him before you came to me?"

"You're making it sound like I did something wrong. Just let it go Harry, Ethan is my friend that's all he ever will be."

"Chloe, I have a bad feeling about him." He tries to convince me, but I didn't want to hear any kf his excuses. He just hates him, there's no "bad feeling."

"What did he say to you?"

"Nothing, he was just asking if I was okay."

He shakes his head and turbs away from me. I didn't want to tell him that I was the one that actually went looking for him this time. I knownI should but all it could do is cause another argument.

"Why are we arguing about Ethan?" To argue about a guy who I talked to months ago is ridiculous.

"Because he is the reason why you and I have so much bullshit going on now. I can't even get the image of him practically shoving his tongue down your throat when he gave you CPR. I swear if yoi weren't in the middle of practically losing your life I would have strangled the jackass then and there."

He starts pacing the room, for a second I was actually hoping that this argument was beginning to cool down but Harry is getting fired up again.

"What the hell were you doing on that diving board anyways?"

"I didn't know what I was doing, well I did, but not entirely."

"Chloe. " Harry gives me a serious look.

"Veronica was calling me a coward," Harry groans and tugs at the end of his hair. "And I couldn't just stand there and let her talk to me like that."

"So you were going to kill yourself just to prove that you weren't a coward. Really smart choice." His voice is dripping with sarcasm.

"I wasn't going to actually jump, my plan was to just climb up there and force her to apologize for everything that she did to me, and wait for someone from the beach to notice me and tell me to get down."

He presses his lips in a line.

"I know, it sounds stupid but it seemed like a really good idea at the time, and I had a bit of alcohol which helped a lot."


"Just a cup or two." I lie.

"Who gave it to you?"

"Relax it was Jen, I needed something to take my mind off of our fight and so I just drank a little bit."

"Chloe, if we have a problem you don't get drunk to forget it. That was a bonehead move."

"And where were you?" I snap back at the same tone of voice.

He doesn't answer, I stepped closer. "After I told you to leave me alone, where did you go?"

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