Seventy Eight;

826 25 4
  • Dedicated to Chris

I stare at Harry mordified not believing he said what he just said. Instead of answering I assume it's one of those moments where Harry's being Harry so I just laugh.

"I'm serious." His tone is stern when he sees me laughing.

I wipe the smile off my face looking at him, his arms wre crossed over his chest and his brows were scrunched together.


"I don't want you there, not anymore."

"Harry, I admit that sometines it gets overwhelming but that's my home where my father and my sister is."

"And what about here?"

"It does feel like a second home-"


"But that's moving too fast for me and we still have so many other things to deal with first."

He rolls his eyes. "Like what?"

"Like what will become of us after this whole damn summer Harry, that's what I tell you all the time...wait, you aren't asking me to give up Miami and just come live with you are you?"

"Of course not, just up until you leave. It's only a few weeks." He tries to persuade me, but it was already a definite no in my mind.

"I can't."

"Don't you want to spend as much time together as we can before you leave?"

"You're saying it like it's the last time we'll see each other."

He doesn't say anything for a while. "I'm not saying that."

"I don't understand why the thought of us living together is okay, but you won't consider to come to Miami. We could possibly still live together if you do."

"Chloe if I am moving again, I'm only going back to England. I don't like it here in America besides Stillton."

"You haven't seen any other place."

"I don't want to. Not Miami, not New York, and nothing is going to change my mind,"

It takes a lot out of me to keep myself from rolling my eyes, I look down at the bed picking at my fingernails.

"Hey," His voice softens, I feel the bed begin to shake as Harry sita beside me and brush my cheek forcing me to look at him. "Don't stress about this, just say yes."

"Harry, I can't." I shake my head and repeat the words once more, but it was more to myself.

I think that Harry thinks we won't make it after I go to Miami and maybe that's true...and I'm starting to realize it t oo. We can barely maintain this relationship with one of us being on one side of Stillton and the other being on the other side.

I lift my head to look at Harry, this curly haired boy who wears the same boots everyday has kept me interested since day one. Everything seemed perfect at the start and now everything's fall apart.

"You don't have to make a decision right now," He tries to reassure me, but again my mind was made up. "Let's not argue, okay?"

That's the last thing I wanted to do. I nod as he slides off the bed and goes back over to the dresser. "I'm gonna go and take a shower, after you take yours we'll just relax for the rest of the night. Alright?"

"Okay." I respond quietly.

I watch carefully as he goes to the bathroom and closes the door behind him. For some reason, the one thing that shot up in my mind was his journal. There has to be something or anything in there that can tell me things that he won't. Like what he said to Sam. My fingers were itching to open up the dresser and pull it out and flip through all the pages I haven't seen, but I can't. I'm gonna have to trust him.

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