Fifty Six;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

H A R R Y ' S     P . O . V

The fact that she didn't give me a straight answer and only replied with "I'll talk to you later," was going to be on my mind for the next few hours while I'm here.

I don't even know Ethan, but he manages to be one of the people that I hate the most on my list. I can't decide if my father or Sam should be number one though, that's still up for discussion.

I parked my car on the side of the rode and grabbed my bandana that I use to wipe off sweat and stuffed it in my back pocket.

I got out of the car and first went inside the office to clock in, my boss said that Liam was already out in the shop with the other guys waiting for me.

I nodded before leaving out and heading inside the shop.

"Fuck." I groaned holding my temple when I got inside. The sound of machinery, medal, and multiple conversations sent a ringing straight through my ears and shot to my brain.

"Yo Harry," Liam approaches me putting a hand on my shoulder. "You alright there?"

"Yeah, I just need some water."

"Oh here." He offers me the water bottle he's holding in his hand. At refuse at first, but he wasn't having it so in the end I took it reluctantly.

"About last night-"

He starts but I cut him off. "Let's not talk about that right now, come on let me show you around and introduce you to a few people."

I went from corner to corner of the shop, showing him all the types of machine we had and how to use it without hurting his self. He definitely knew what was going on, I barely even had to tell him anything.

I introduced him to three or four guys here, they told him that they check out girls that walk by instead of getting their jobs done and if he wants Liam can join in. He shook his head telling them that he had a girlfriend.

"What's up with you youngins having girlfriends?" One of them say to us.

I laugh shaking my head. "It seems like you're a bit over due to have a girlfriend, don't you think?"

"Watch it rookie."

"Harry, this customer needs some help." One of the boys shout out from across the shop, Liam follows me as I go over to a burgundy colored car owned by a man who seemed to be in his thirties.

"What's the problem?" I ask him looking his car over.

"There's smoke coming from underneath the hood." He tells me.

I walk over to the front end and lift the hood and instantly backed away when a large and thick amount of smoke arise.

"Wow," I wave the smoke away. "Alright. I'll see what I can do. It should be ready in about an hour or so."

"Okay, I'll be back by then. Thank you." He says before walking away.

I sigh heavily and looked down at the car, I reached my hand out but recoiled and cursed underneath my breath.


"You obviously can't touch it right now, the medal is way too hot."

I narrow my eyes at Liam while sucking on my index finger trying to take the sting away. "I know"

"You can always use gloves, if you have the right kind."

"I don't."

"I'll be back."

I raise my eyebrows as he walks away, minutes later he returns with two pairs of gloves. Ones that were made for working on cars. He hands me a pair.

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