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  • Dedicated to Chris

"Urgh." I groan looking in the mirror before me as I tried to rub this red spot off my neck, but it wasn't going away.

Harry laughs from beside me. "It's not a washable marker, it's a hickey Chloe."

"You think I don't know that? Just be quiet, bruises always go away." My eyebrows scrunch together in a focus as I lick my thumb and bring it up to my skin doing my best to wipe it away or at least lose the red color a bit.

"Yeah, but bruises don't go away with spit and a wipe. They go away on their own time."

"Damnet," I already knew that I just didn't want to hear the words. I close the mirror attach to the flap above me and lean back in my seat staring out the window. "You just had to bite me."

"You weren't complaining when my fingers were-"

"That doesn't mean you just up and bite me, how an I supposed to keep this from my father? Do you know how careless and irresponsible I'll look if I walk through my door with this on my damn neck! What were you thinking?"

"Stop blaming me Chloe, it takes two in situations like this and besides you didn't pull away so obviously you enjoyed it."

"I didn't know you'd leave a bruise, I mean who does that?"

He laughs shaking his curls. "Oh sweetheart, you have so much to learn about sex."

I roll my eyes and cross my arms in front of my chest facing froward.

"Look it's not a big deal, these things happen all the time in those moments. Your hair is long enough to cover it for the next few days, it should be gone by then."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, stop acting like you didn't enjoy it." He smirks widely as he starts to pull the car over. It was odd because he parked on the side of the road a few blocks down from my house. We haven't done this since before my birthday.

"Why'd you stop here?"

"So I can do this." He unbuckles his seat belt and leans across the seat capturing my lips with his, he tugs at my arm signalling for me to straddle his waist and so I did.

My hands fall down to rest on his chest covered by this white loose fitted tank. He licks my bottom lip begging for an entrance but I pull away.

"I gotta get home Harry." I try to ignore the feeling of Harry's lips against my neck as he chooses to ignore my rush.

"But I was kinda hoping I could take you up on that offer now, of how you wanted to touch me." He grins leaning his head back on the seat.

"Oh I'm sorry, I still have so much to learn so I think you'll have to wait." I smirk before climbing off his lap and laughing as he tries to grab me before I dart out of the car.

"Well you sure as hell know how to tease!" He shouts out the window as I make my way down the street.

I laugh pulling hair out of my face as he drives by me honking his horn. I guess I couldn't stay mad at him, and if he's right then this bruise starting to form shouldn't be that big of a problem. I just gotta keep my hair down and be careful when I swipe my hair out of my face. But then again I can just cover it up with make-up.

As one foot led the other, I crossed my arms in front of me finding myself looking down at my body. Harry touches me and looks at me as if I'm a rare piece of beauty, and I don't see myself the way he probably sees me. I look in the mirror to see a girl with tanned skin and short legs with faint freckles around her nose. But he completely ignores my flaws, like this morning. He massaged and caressed my average-sized chest in his hands completely ignoring the size.

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