Fifty Three;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

I threw my head back laughing louder than necessary as Jen stood in front of me imitating my father and she was doing a pretty damn good job at doing so.

I felt good tonight, I was wearing a cute outfit and when I told my father I was going to a party he only nodded. It was a surprise as well as a relief.

"I seriously can't believe he let you come out tonight." Jen says after she was done mocking my father.

I catch my breath. "I guess he's just letting me live my life the way an adult should."

"I would cheers to that, but you don't drink." She teases taking a sip out of whatever was in the red cup.

I roll my eyes.

"Did you hear about the Bonfire 2k13?"

"Bonfire 2k13? What is that?"

"The class that graduated this year are going to throw a party with a bonfire on the fourth of July."

"Sounds dangerous."

"I know and we're going."

I shake my head, "No way I don't want-"

"Chloe." A deep voice sounds from beside me, I look to see Ethan.

"Hey." He gives me a tight-lipped smile.

"I'll just go and find Liam." Jen announces before giving me a warning look and walking away.

I never told her about the kiss, I'm tired of telling her about my problems. It isn't fair to her. She barely knew Ethan, but J know she didn't like the idea of him.

"Do you want a drink? I can go get you one."

"No, I'm fine but thank you." I reply nicely.

"Right," There was an awkward pause before he continued. "Chloe, I kind of realized that I may have came on a little bit too strong earlier."

"Yeah, you did."

He flashes an awkward smile. "And I really am sorry, I may not know what you're going through right now but I am willing to be a good friend and be there for you."

"A friend? Friends don't corner each other against a bookshelf and force their selves on them."

"I know, I know. It was the heat of the moment. Chloe you're an attractive girl, I promised myself that if there was a time where we would end up alone together I'd make a move."

I take a step back. "Excuse me?"

"No, no, no. Not like going all the way with you, I mean just a simple kiss. I mean I would...go all the way with you, but you hate me and so maybe if I kiss you then maybe we could... no wait, that's not my plan at all-"

"You should stop talking." I advise getting irritated.

"I'm sorry, I'm just trying to ask for us to forget whatever happened since we first met and start over as friends this time."

"I don't know..." I don't want to worry that he'll make a move on me all the time.

"Can we go out back for a second?"

I nod slowly and turn around feeling Ethan behind me the entire time as I made my way to the back porch.

I put my hands on the rail leaning against it.

"You're a great guy, and you're really nice but...if I wanted to be with someone, then that'd only be Harry. But since we aren't together, I'd rather just be alone for a while."

"How long is a while?" He asks softly.

I laugh. "A long while."

"I'll wait."

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