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  • Dedicated to Chris

"Oh, hey Chloe." Veronica takes her arms from Harry's neck and faces me. The dress she wore was definitely cut low and short at the thigh line, but it's not like I'd expect anything less from her.

"I don't think you've never met my friend, Harry this is Chloe." Veronica smirks walking to the fridge, pulling it open and peering inside.

"We're not friends." I hiss.

She closes the fridge now holding a bottle of Jack Daniels in her hand. "Oh don't be so hostile, but have it your way than. Harry this is Chloe, Marty's rich daughter."

I rolled my eyes, if you really knew me and was a true friend of mine; take Zayn, Jen, and Ana for example then you would know my father gets paid just as much as the rest of the kids here's parents. Why do they choose me to play the rich girl act? I have no idea, but I think it's just because I'm what they consider a good girl.

"I am aware." Harry nods. I arch an eyebrow daringly at him and cross my arms in front of my chest.

"Congrats on UM, I know I probably already said it but oh well. Do you think you can really survive that far away where-"

"Don't you have anything else better to do than bring up my dad every time we speak?"

"Actually I do," She faces Harry giving him a flirtatious smile, my stomach churns when he chuckles softly and glances away.

"Well, let's go out back and drink this bottle down." Veronica cheers. "Chloe you are more than welcome to join us."

"I'll pass."

"Okay." She takes Harry by the hand and leads him out the door and I am relieved. Jen was right, they are like a match made in heaven.

I leave a few minutes after them to find the bathroom, I find a door and open it and regret it almost instantly because on the other side of that door was the bathroom but there was a couple tonguing each other's throats; both girls if I may add.

"Oh, sorry." I flush and slam the door shut, it wasn't horrifying but it was shocking because I have never seen two girls make out before.

I find Zayn seated on a couch with a girl in his arms. "Do you have a second bathroom?"

"What's wrong with the one down the hall?"


He chuckles knowing what I meant and points to the ceiling. "My parents have a bathroom in their room, it's the third door on the right."

"Ew, I don't want to go in your parent's bedroom." I say.

"Fine then piss on yourself."

I groan and turn around stomping up the steps. It is more then weird to go in your friend's parent's bedroom to get to the bathroom. I find the door and head inside and straight to the bathroom. I didn't need to use it though, I just needed a breather.

I go over my plan for the rest of the night in my head, and the best plan I had so far was to just enjoy myself. I haven't really done that at any of these parties, I never even attempted to.

I open up the bathroom door to see the lights now turned on. Harry was leaning against the bedroom door that was now closed, his hands were tucked in his pocket with his head was down, but they trailed up when he saw me come out. The quietness and the empty space between us made me nervous, I stood where I was not sure if I should say something or not.

"Jack Daniel's tastes horrible, I am never drinking that shit again." He laughs shaking his head.

I arch an eyebrow not believing his words. Is he really trying to strike a casual conversation with me right now?

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