Seventy Four;

879 28 4
  • Dedicated to Chris

When I step out, I see that I only took fifteen minutes to get myself cleaned. I don't know if I should wait fourty-five more minutes for Harry to come up or not, but that hot shower did tire me. I yawn walking in to the living room and sit on the couch turning the TV on to Family Guy.

It seems that I've grown obsessed with this show ever since Harry offered to watch it the first time.

I lay my head down and close my eyes. I didn't even know I fell asleep until a hand shook my shoulders. I opened my eyes to see Harry's jades gazing down at me.

"Hm?" I sit up and push the hair that fell in front of my face.

He smiles shaking his head. "What are you doing out here? Why aren't you sleeping on the bed?"

"Because there wasn't any sheets on there and I was going to wait for you, but I just fell asleep,"

I look down at my feet to see the sheets, completely blanketed in white with no sign of a red stain. Thank God, that was so embarassing.

"You bleached them?"

He sighs. "Yeah, no trace of your period blood on them."

I gasp. "It was not my..."

I didn't even get to finish, his burst of laughter cut me off. My cheeks began to heat up as I tried desperately to save myself from the embarassment. "Oh come on Harry, you know that's not what it was. When a girl loses their...shut up!"

"Okay! Okay!" He waves his hand and bites down on his lip to keep his self from laughing any further.

I roll my eyes and get up walking to his bedroom, all the while I hear him snickering from behind me. I turn around swiftly taking the sheets from his hand and start to dress the bed with them.

"The silent treatment? Really Chloe?"  Harry says from behind me. I ignore him and continue to put the sheets on the mattress going from side to side.

"You know I have more than one way to get you talk to me." He wraps his arms from behind me and presses his self against my bottom. I convince myself to not give in to him, but it was hard. To me, he was so irresistible.

"You hear me?" He goes on moving my hair to one side and leans his head over my shoulder to get a clear view of my face. I bite my lip to keep myself from answering.

He kisses a spot below my ear and digs his fingertips into his side, a breathless moan escapes from me. In satsifaction he smirks and releases me. "I thought so."

I shake my head and finish putting the sheets on the bed, when I'm done I turn around to see Harry opening up his dresser and pulling out his journal.

"Another?" I ask hoping he'd want me to read another page.

He faces me and smiles faintly running his fingers over the leather. "No."


"I let you read everything I wanted you to read, everything else...I can't let you see it."

My mind immediately wonders of what he has hidden in those pages, what were they about? Who were they about? Me? His family? His self?

"Why not?"

"It's just irrelevant, you wouldn't want to read it anyways."

"Don't speak for me, besides when was the last time I didn't want to read a page?"

He laughs and slides the journal back in his dresser.

"What?" I ask.

"You just get so pissed off when you don't have your way, especially when you're really curious about something."

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