Eighy One;

787 21 2
  • Dedicated to Chris

H A R R Y ' S    P .O . V

"Liam, help me with this car. There's something stuck in the god damn hood." I growl wiping my hands off my jeans.

Liam walks over to me abandoning the car he was working on and looks underneath the hood of mine. "What's up with you? Looks like you didn't get any sleep last night."

"I didn't." I reply.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"No." I scoff. I'm done "talking" to people, I tried to talk to Sam yesterday and it only ended on a bad note.

I glanced down at my watch, it was now two-thirty, making me wonder where the hell Chloe is. I told her one this afternoon.

"I found an auto shop in Atlanta, and I like it here at Joe's but the one I found is way more luxurious."

"How can any auto shop be luxury?"

"I dont know but this one is as luxury as it can get. I also found a cheap apartment, I'm not going to finalize my decision on it until I actually look at it though."

"Seems like you've got it all figured out."

"Yeah, whenever Jen is ready to leave then the both of us will be out of here,"

If I was Liam and have been cooped up in this town my entire life than I'd be excited for a change, but I haven't. And I don't want to go anywhere else. There's not that many people to be decieved by or clubs where you can get drunk to have temptations.

"I'm surprised you're talking to me, you cut yourself off from us for a week." He brings up.

"I needed to be alone for a few days, you know Chloe and I broke up at the time and I thought that if I'd still have contact with you three then I'd be bound to see her again."

He looks at me. "Did you see her again?"

I pause before answering. "Yeah."

"You worked things out again?"

"Yeah. Let's just drop this subject."

He smiles and nods, he too knows about Chloe and I's make-ups and break-ups.

"Speaking of Chloe." He points over my shoulder, I turn around and see Chloe stepping inside the shop tugging at her clothes nervously.

She always gets so anxious whenever she comes in here. All the men and the machinery gives her an uneasy feeling.

I walk up to her when she begins to get closer. When I reach her she smiles at me out of breath. "Sorry, I know I'm a bit late. But Charlie wanted to play some soccer outside."

"You alright?" I ask her as she tries desperately to catch her breath.

"Yeah, yeah."

"No Chloe," I take her face between the palm of her hands to get her focused on me and only me. "I mean are you alright?"

She stares at me for a while, trying to find the right answer and trying to ease her breathing. "What you said to my father yesterday...it was a bit too much."

I remove my hands from her face and step back. "I shut him up, isn't that what you wanted? What we wanted? I didn't even have to put my hands on him the way I wanted to to do so."

"You hurt him Harry, he barely even came out of his room yesterday and today."

"It doesn't matter, it's finished?"


"Fighting isn't just bashing people's face in because they hurt Chloe, it's about finishing it..."

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