Fourty Two;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

"I'll get it." I run pass him and look through the peephole and breathe in relief. It was only Jen and Zayn.

I open the door and the first thing I'm greeted with is a hug from the both of them.

"Happy birthday." They both say.

"Why are you still in your pajamas?" Jen asks as they come inside.

"Oh, I didn't even realize."

"Okay, before you take her away, let me give her her present." He holds out a blue bag, I smiled taking it from him and looked inside seeing a bunch of hair stuff just like I told him on the phone.

Hair bows, shampoo, headbands, and even hair glitter.

"Thank you Zayn, I love it." I give him a hug.

"I wish you would've asked for something more, but whatever."

She laughs out of disbelief. "Come on, we have a busy day ahead of us."

"You aren't going to be long, are you?" Zayn calls out when we go up the stairs. We giggle already knowing the answer and go into my bedroom.

"What are you going to wear?"

"I don't know."

"Chloe, it's your birthday you didn't pick out an outfit. What the hell is wrong with you today? What's that?"

She points to the picture in my hand, I didn't even know I was still holding on to it. "It's a picture my dad just gave to me."

I show it to her and she smiles. "Oh, I remember that! That's when Charlie was all sweet and quiet."

"She was a newborn."

"Still." She shrugs turning around and opening up my closet door and hums a song as she looks for clothes.

"Wear this." She throws down a pair of Hollister shorts that I haven't worn since Spring earlier this year and a moon phase crop top from Brandy Melville.

"I was actually expecting you to pick out heels and a dress." I laugh looking down at today's attire.

"Well I would, but we are going swimming. Do you have any bathing suits?"

"Swimming? Where?"


"What?" My voice cracks.

"Before you go freaking out think of this as an opportunity, you're eighteen now and I'm pretty sure the first thing you want to to do as a legal adult is get out of here for once and what better place to go to then Atlanta. It's only like two and a half hours away."

"This better not end in disaster."

"It won't, now shut up and find a bathing suit."

I roll my eyes and stand up going over to my drawers to find a hot pink bathing suit. "Why are you and Liam fighting?"

"Believe it or not he was texting another girl and not just any girl, but Veronica." She spits.

"Seriously? It's like any guy she sees either of us with she wants to have."

"Tell me about it."

"Well what did the text messages say?"

"I don't know, but his phone lit up and it said he had a text message from Veronica. I don't care what it said to be honest because knowing Veronica, she was flirting with him."

"I don't mean to give you relationship advice, because I've never been in one, but maybe you should let him explain his self. Maybe it's not what you think at all."

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