Sixty Eight;

871 24 2
  • Dedicated to Chris

H A R R Y ' S     P . O . V

The walk to the middle of the field, I kept my hands on my pockets and my eyes on my feet. Jen held on to Liam's arm following the group of guys ahead of us that wete still pushing and shoving each other.

We walked for about five minutes until we reached a clear opening.

"Okay guys, pick one and light it up." Ethan starts going from person to person letting them reach inside the fireworks kit.

Everyone grabs one and Ethan stops looking and loos at me, he presses his lips on a line slowly approaching me. I take my handa out of my pockets and stand up straight when he reaches me.

"Want one?" He says casually.

I state him down, letting my eyes say the things my actions couldn't do. The fact that he was being so casual to me only pissed me off more.

"I'll take that as a no." He mumbles before turning around.

"Hey," I grab his attention, he turns around facing me again. "What's your plan?"

"I don't know what-"

"Don't try that bullshit with me," I growl stepping closer. "What else do I have to do to make sure you keep your distance? Obviously beating the hell out of you wasn't convincing enough."

"Harry, I don't know who you're trying to impress with this little bad boy stunt, but I'm not afraid of you. I don't doubt for one second that you can beat my ass again, but just know that when she finds out I'm not the one who started it she'll only hate you." He smiles.

I hear a loud band and a flash light from above, I look up to see they already have the first fire cracker going.

"You can keep trying to be her 'friend,' but she will always want me at the end of the end day."

Another firework goes off, I was able to see his face for three short seconds. "Are you sure about that? She's been telling me that you haven't been giving her the attention she wanted, I had to step in. You obviously don't know how-"

"I know how to take care of what's mine."

"She isn't property and if you care about her so much then why is she down at the beach while you're busy getting wasted in the woods?"

Both of my hands fly out shoving him backwards, he throws the fireworks down and fixes his self.

"Hey stop!" Jen shouts out, at first I thought she was talking to Ethan and I but she was shouting at the guys who were still popping fireworks.

"Stop!" She shouts again when they're ready to light another one.

"Shh." She presses a finger to her lips telling everyone to be quiet.

I furrow my eyebrows but do what she says anyways, all of us listen in silence.

"Chloe!" I hear Zayn shout all the way from the beach in desperation.

Not hesitating I dart through the trees almost running into a few of them barely even able to see. I kept hearing people screaming and the only thing running through my mind was Chloe. My heart started beating expecting for the worse to happen.

I get to the beach, but nobody was there. They were instead running towards the other side of the lake on the boardwalk. I furrow my eyebrows seeing them crowd around the balance beam looking up. I follow their gaze and feel my heart drop to the pit of my stomach seeing Chloe hanging on to the diving board, but it in a flash it snaps.

"No!" I yell before running into the water and when I was deep enough I dived underneath the water pulling myself further out.

I was even more worried because it looked like she was passed out before she even fell onto the water, and not only that but she couldn't swim either.

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