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  • Dedicated to Chris

"Can we go to the Beluga Whales now?" I ask hopeully as we squirted hand sanitizer onto our hands after we spent maybe fifteen minutes at the shark tank.

"Sure." He stuffs his hands in his pockets. I kind of wish they were holding me again.

The Beluga Whales had their own hall because they were just so big, it was quiet and the lights were dimmed down low and to make it perfect there were only five other people down here, we walk up to the tank and see three white Beluga Whales swimming around.

"If you look closely," I squinted my eyes watching one of them. "They almost look like they're smiling."

Harry's hands found a home on my waist again as he rested his chin on my shoulder. I sighed leaning back into him, the way he held me was all too real for me.

"I love the way you talk, you seem so excited." He mutters.

"Aren't you?"

"Yes, but for an entirely different reason."

I do not want to push this subject any further, I just kind of want to enjoy being held in his arms and looking at the whales feeling like I was in my own little world.

"Seventeen." I whisper.

"What?" He asks.

I turn my head looking at him. "You asked me how old I was yesterday. I'm seventeen."

He smiles and nods when he seems to remember.

"Seventeen, huh?" He licks his lips and rakes my body from head to toe making me close my eyes tightly feeling a blush rise. "You're going to be eighteen soon, right?"

"Yes, I am."

"Hm." He says before looking back into the tank, I raise my eyebrows at him questionably. "What?"

"Aren't you going to tell me how old you are?"


"Really?" I ask turning around in his arms to face him, I was kind of hoping he wouldn't be any older than eighteen.

"Really." He confirms.

"What college do you go to?"

"I uhm..." He trails off looking behind me and smiles turning me back around to face the whales just as they started to do a few twirls in the water. "Did you see that?"

I open my mouth to say something, but my eyes trail off a bit to the right where I see my dad approaching the two of us with Charlie holding his hand. "Chloe."

"Dad." I breathe.

Harry scratches the back of his head and takes two steps back from me, this is not good. Charlie ignores my presence and heads straight to the glass to look at the whales.

"Dad I-"

"Who is this?" He asks cutting me off.

I open my mouth to reply but Harry decides to speak for hisself which wasn't a big surprise. "I'm Harry."

"He's my friend." I throw in, but my dad raises his hand to shush me.

"The boy can speak for himself." 

"I sure can." Harry stepped forward with a sarcastic grin.

"Who might you be?"

"Didn't I already answer that?"

"Harry." I put my hand on his arm forcing him to look down at me, he was being so rude to my father and I didn't appreciate that one bit even if he may seem a bit unreasonable right now.

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