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  • Dedicated to Chris

"Why later?"

"Because I am standing in Zayn's parent's room." I reply looking around, he does the same and nods but takes my hand.

"Let's go downstairs."

"O-Okay." I oblige as he leads me out the door and down the stairs, I see him heading to the living room where Jen red is red in the face with Liam's arm wrapped around her as they laugh together looking down at his phone, probably watching a funny video.

I remember Jen always telling me, "Liam showed me this hilarious video..." and then she'd go into detail about it.

She glances up when Harry and I stand in front of the two, Liam and Jen look down at Harry's and I's hands that were still connected. We look at each other with the same nervous looks before dropping each other's hands.

"I'm going to take Chloe home in a little while." Harry informs both Jen and Liam

"Oh...okay, be careful." Jen looks at me questionably, I knew tomorrow she will be bugging out with questions.

"She'll be with me." Harry replies to her and puts a hand on the small of my back guiding me to the front door.

We step out of the noisy and hot house and step into clean cool air onto the front porch. I close the door now only hearing the muffled sounds of the music and the people on the other side. Harry takes my hand and pulls me against him, I couldn't help but notice that small gleam of light in his eyes.

"What are you thinking?" He murmurs.

I shake my head softly. "I don't know, I really don't. I mean it's not like we're best friends you know? We don't know each other that well, but it's so weird because I really have this thing for you," He grins from ear to ear. " But I can see how this will end and it's not going to be good because-"

Harry silences me by picking me up by my waist and sitting me down on the porch rail and stands between my legs. "Shh sweatheart, you're going to think yourself to death."

I am once again in no control of myself as he brushes his nose against my cheek and whispers in my ear, "You're mine, okay?"

When I couldn't say an answer I just nodded. He presses his lips against mine, and puts his hands on my hips pulling me closer as our tongues began to fight for pure dominance. Things may never be the same for me after tonight, but I wasn't worried about that. My head was only wrapped around the way that Harry was holding me and his deep sweet lips.

"Thank you for the ride." I say to Harry when he parks the car. He doesn't say anything and only nods. I begin to grow anxious because I had no clue what to do.

"It doesn't have to be awkward you know?" He speaks.

I shrug. "Sorry, I-I'm not sure what's going on here."

"Me either, but I see no reason why we shouldn't enjoy it." He leans in slowly and I meet him halfway, he was surprised at first but soon started kissing me back; it was a simple kiss.

"Okay, uhm goodnight." I say awkwardly before getting out of the car, I hear him laughing before I close the door and he drives off making me wonder where he was headed to.

Home? Does he live alone or with family? I doubt he'd tell me even if I were to ask him.

I walk down the road and head towards home desperate for a good night's sleep, but when I got there I wasn't so sleepy anymore. And so instead I grabbed my laptop and went to the homepage of Juilliard that I had bookmarked, yes, I am that serious.

I looked at the picture of the campus, pictures of the students who sniked from ear to ear happy that they were doing what they feel they were destined to do. I wanted that to be my destiny, I want to see how far this dance could take me. I wouldn't even mind if after all the money I paid for that college I'd just end up being a dance instructor for six year olds because at least I get to do it.

But I can't, instead I'll continue what I've been doing and fake my happiness of becoming a psychologist.

"Wake up right now or I will turn this whole mattress over!" Jen wakes me up at seven in the morning slamming the door behind her.

I groan not bothering to open my eyes and instead I rolled over. "What?"

"What do you mean what?" She takes a seat right next to me and shakes me. "Tell me what the hell is going on with you and Harry."

My eyes then snapped open suddenly remembering the events of last night. The kiss, Veronica, and Harry I sit up, "Oh, yeah."

"Oh like you forgot. Now tell me what happened, I thought you hated him." She whispers as if someone was directly next to us, but I know she was whispering in hopes my dad wasn't near the door, so I spoke quietly as well.

"I did, but then he apologized about what he said at Plates 40, and just the other night he took me to the lake and..." I,honestly didn't want her to tell her about the poem Harry asked me to read to him, he said he never told anybody else but me. And I felt like if I told Jen then that small secret won't be so valuable to me. Besides I'm ninety-nine-point-nine percent sure he doesn't want me to tell a soul about this.

"And what?" Jen says anxiously.

"It was just great, and we told each other things and it left me confused but I guess he admitted that he...likes...me."

"Really?" She smiles.

"Well he said 'I want you.' What does that mean?"

"Wait, want? Gosh, he sounds like a fucking prince from Disney movies." She mumbles. "What happened after that?"

"He kissed me." I bring my knees up to my chest to fight my smile.

"Chloe, he kissed you!"

"Shh." I motion towards the door.

"Oh sorry. But he kissd you, what does this all mean now? Are you two together?"

"I-I don't know, but I think whatever it is we should just enjoy it." I say the exact words Harry told me last night with a slight nod of my head.

"Your dad thinks you stayed away from him, doesn't he?" Jen guesses.

"I'm not sure, but I don't think he has any ideas."

"Wow." She lays down beside me and I, join her, the both of us lying on our backs looking up at the ceiling. I think she was going over everything I told her in her head and I was just thinking about Harry. Not what happened, but just Harry.

Through the quietness Jen huffs, "This may or may not end well."

And then I reply with an honest answer. "Yeah, maybe not."

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