Fourty Nine;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

H A R R Y ' S     P . O . V

Sitting on the couch waiting for a phone call from Chloe felt like waiting for my death message. I wasn't worried I was just getting annoyed by how long it was taking her to just call me.

I can just imagine right now what he's telling her, all the damn lies that he's putting her head about me when he doesn't even know me. He doesn't even care to try to, but its fine because that's one thing we can agree on about each other.

I ran my fingers through my hair doing my best to not stare at my phone that was laid out on the coffee table on front of me and tried to focus on the TV.

It's been about two hours since I dropped her off in front of her home. I just don't see why she's so nervous, she knows we'll see each other again even if she has to sneak around. We always do this, it's no different now even if her jackass a father knows about us.

My phone finally lighta up and I pick it up on the first ring. "Chloe."

"Hey." She answers, I expected her to be crying or frustrated but she seems so calm and that only made me worry more.

"Are you okay? What did you talk about?"

"I told him everything."

"What do you mean everything?"

"About you and me."

I groan tugging at the end of my hair and run my hand down my face. "You didn't tell him anything about me, did you? Chloe, I trusted-"

"No, not anything personal. I just told him about my feelings towards you and then I told him how I didn't want to be a therapist."

Finally, I'm glad she's actually learning and I know for a fact it's because of my influence. "So what happened?"

"He was actually really understanding, he isn't speaking to me right now because he says he needs a moment. But uhm..."


"He wants to see you."

I had to take the phone away from my ear for a moment not wanting to hear what I just heard. But there was no mistaken that Chloe's angelic voice could come out in any other sentence.

"Hell no, do you know what will happen if him and I are alone together?" The thought makes my knuckles curl up in a ball.

I had every right to punch him square in the jaw last night, but the only thing that was stopping me was Chloe. I knew she'd be pissed off and she'd never speak to me again if I disrespected her family like that. But if she wasn't there, who knows.

"I will be there too, he wants to meet you tonight. We're just gonna go for dinner."

"Dinner?" I laugh not believing this. "Oh, so you want me to go to see the man that you've lied to and snuck behind just to see me and introduce myself and maybe throw in the fact that I took you out of town more than once, fingered you a couple times, and expect us to sit and eat dinner normally?"

I hear her breathe heavily on the other end. "No Harry, don't make this hard. He's actually being reasonable right now, it's only fair if you are too. I thought you wanted to be with me."

Of course I wanted her. I could deal with her best friend giving her "friendly" gestures and I could sure as hell deal woth some bus boy, but getting through her dad's head that I'm actually a "good guy" is a challenge.

"Chloe you know I do." My voice goes soft, that's what she always seems to do to me.

"Then please come, just for like an hour or so. I don't want this either because it will definitely be awkward, but this could make things easier."

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