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  • Dedicated to Chris

Why would she bring him?! She knows how my dad gets when there are boys even standing next to me when I don't even know who they are. I was panicking right now to the point where I turned around looking at the doorway debating if I should just leave and curse Jen out later.

"There's a reason why your body has one soul, and that soul is yours. So you minus well do what you want with it." Harry's words repeats in my head. Though it annoyed me, he was right. I'm seventeen, soon to be eighteen and I can't keep doing everything my father wishes me to do.

I took a deep breath and turn back around and slowly walk over to the table where the trio were sitting.

"Hey guys." I smile.

"Hey." Jen says.

"Hey." Liam says.

Harry just gives me a nod as I take a seat, the table was circled and it seated four. I was the last one to take the seat at the table. Jen looks around. "I haven't seen the whole place, but I know it's going to be so cool. I don't even know where we should start."

"Well we better start soon, it closes at ten and now it's," Liam glances down st his watch. "Six-thirty."

"Yeah, you're right."

"Can we see the turtles first?" I ask.

Jen pouts. "But I was thinking the eels."

"Oh come on, I always let you pick first." I bicker with her. "Besides, Liam you want to see the turtles, right?"

He winces. "I was actually wanting to see the eels as well."

I click my teeth. I glance at Harry as he raises his hand slightly with an entertaining smile playing on his lips. "I was actually hoping to see the turtles."

I give him a thankful smile. Jen claps her hands and stands up. "How about Liam and I go to the eels and you two go to the turtles. I am a genius."

My eyes widened as she grabbed Liam's hand forcefully and started to run off with him.

"Jen no, we..." And she's gone.

I groan and put my face in my hands, not onky does she invite him but she leaves me alone with him. It's times like these when I wonder why is she my best friend.

"Let me guess, your dad is here." Harry guesses.

I look up at him. "Yeah."

He stands up and walks over to my side holding his hands out to me. "Don't worry, he won't catch us and even if he does what's the worst that could happen?"

"You obviously don't know my dad." I laugh lightly.

"I wouldn't care to anyways." He says bluntly.

I just look up at him admiring his bravery, but my dad may not do anything to Harry but to me he'd probably lock me in my room for weeks and if I'm lucky he'll let me out for college. Harry raises his eyebrows waiting for my response, I sigh and take his hands pulling myself up. He didn't move back he just stood there, my body close to his and he never let go of my hands.

"There's a difference between in making your father happy," His voice was low and raspy. "And being scared. And truth be told, in your case, it's not the first one."

Harry finally releases his hand with mine and slowly walks away leaving me standing there. I know I may say this a lot, but another thing I am slowly starting to notice is that he is vey intelligent for his age. I start walking after him.

"So where would the turtles be?" He asks.

I point to a sign on the wall that was hanging next to a water fountain. "Maybe the direction where the sign says Turtles."

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