Ninety Five;

672 22 5

H A R R Y ' S    P . O . V

"Let me see your hand." I say as soon as we step foot out of the backyard. I carefully take Chloe's hand in mine and examine it.

"Ah." She flinches pulling away quickly.

"Sorry." I apologize quietly. "We gotta get you to a hospital."

She immediately shakes her head. "No, it's probably just sore. I'll be okay."

"Chloe, we seriously-"

"Harry." She says giving me a warning look.

I sigh and tuck my hands in my front pockets. "I'm just...trying to help."

"Help?" She raises a daring eyebrow. I slowly brace myself for the harsh words she was getting rid to spit at me. "Can you drive me home?"

I'm surprised that she'd actually ask for my help instead of making a remark about the whole Juilliard and Miami thing. I nod with no hesitation and grab my car keys. "Yeah, yeah."

She follows me to my car, I open the door for her and let her slide in and make sure both of her legs are in before closing the door behind her. As I walk around to the other side of the car I look down at my knuckles, the ring that I keep on my right hand was covered in Ethan's pathetic blood and the skin of my knuckles were scraped. It felt fucking good as sickening as it sounds, the first time I pounded Ethan's face in it wasn't good enough. I was pulled off of him by Liam and Zayn and didn't get to finish the job. But now, I was able to beat the loser until I drew blood. Even though Chloe was there, she didn't stop me, she didn't even call out my name to get my attention. In all honesty, I think she kind of wanted me to, she just wouldn't say it out loud.

I get in to my side of the car, but don't start it yet.

"Are you cold?"

"You have blood on your shirt." She ignores my question, her eyes widen staring at my white shirt that had drips of blood on it.

Damnet, this was my favorite white shirt. I shrug it off. "I'll bleach it. What were you doing here anyways?"

"I heard that Ethan was still here and I wanted to confront him." She shrugs and toys with her wrist.

I roll my eyes. "That was a bit idiotic don't you think? Why would you show up at this party completely alone and just go looking for a fight? You're smarter than that."

"I wasn't looking for a fight."

"You slapped the hell out of Veronica."

"Only because she was saying...what are you doing here at one of Veronica's parties?" She changes it and narrows her eyes at me with suspicion.

"It wasn't like that, okay? I came here the exact same reason you did, after all the bullshit that's been going on I came here to see Ethan too. There was no way I was going to let him sneak by this."

"So why is your reason any different from mine?"

"Because I can handle myself Chloe and..." She laughs shaking her head and looks out the window of the unmoved car. "...I didn't mean it like that, I meant..."

"It doesn't matter." She whispers dropping her hands to her lap.

I breathe heavily. "Yes it does, I can't keep putting you down and telling you what you can and can't do. Nobody should, it just scares me how far you'd go to prove what you can do when people say you can't."

Chloe slowly turns her head facing me, her eyes looking at me with suspicion. "Scares you?"

"Yes, when you climbed up on that damn diving board was when I knew that you would stop at nothing to prove people wrong. It's terrifying..."

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