Twenty Nine;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

*I'm coming to get you.* Harry's texts wakes me up in the morning.

I furrow my eyebrows confused and still half asleep, I look at the time in the upper right hand corner of my phone seeing it was past eight as I typed a message back.

*What do you mean?*

*That means what it sounds like, I'll be waiting for you down at your studio.* He replies back, I can almost hear the impatience in his voice.

I run my fingers through my hair sitting up and got dressed in a pair of jeans with a black shirt. The tone of the text sounded rushed and frustrated so I decided I'd meet him first and ask questions later. Where was he taking me? The beach? His apartment?

It's been a few days and I'm sure my father believes that I am over Harry, and if I fooled him once than I can sure as hell do it again.

I was out the door in a matter of seconds, and made my way down to that dance studio. Yesterday, and the day before I was able to go in there for about two or three hours, I brought in a CD and danced, it relieved some of my stress.

Harry is leaning against his car when I approach the studio.

"Hey, I thought we agreed on-" I was cut off by him walking up to me and smashing his lips against mine. I stumbled back a bit from the amount of force he was using but he wrap a strong arm around my waist to hold me up. I start kissing him back not caring why he asked to come and get me anymore.

He pulls away. "Hi."

"Hi." I mock giggling. "Now can you tell me why did you want to meet up all of a sudden?"

"You said a few days, and it's been three days now."

"I know, but I was actually going to wait until-"

"Please don't make me wait anymore Chloe." He breathes my name out making me feel wanted more than ever.

I smile resting my hand up on his cheek and nod silently, he breathes from relief before kissing me again. "Now come on."

"Where are we going?" I say as he lets go of me and walks over to the car and I do the same climbing in after he did.

"My place."

I've already been over there twice and I think after each visit I was being a bit more comfortable being alone with him because he actually cares about how I feel about certain things.

Fifteen minutes later he was unlocking his door that led to his apartment, as soon as I was inside he wraps his hand around my wrist and leads me down the hall before softly pushing me against the wall. His green orbs bored beamed down at me as he brushes his nose against mine before parting his lips and leaning in kissing me. Harry's body molded to mine as he pulls away and takes my chin between his fingers and tilts his head giving him better room to work with. His lips moved against mine with such ease, and I couldn't help myself as I grabbed the sides of his shirt when he begins to trail kisses along my jawline.

I feel his hands slide further down my back and squeeze my behind making me squeal, not because it hurt but because it just shocked me.

"Sorry." He apologizes bringing his hands back up to the middle of my back.

I shake my head. "No, I-It's fine."

"You sure?" He asks not believing me, but trail his hands down lower until where they just were anyway.

I nod again before pulling him close to me by the back of his head and bring my lips up to meet his. I don't know what I was turning into or what has been up with me, but I could care less. Harry's hands were on my behind and I could feel parts of his body smuther into mine from the waist below. I liked the feeling.

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