Thirty One;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

"Oh, did he now?" I put a hand on my hip scowling down at Harry who was fighting back a laugh.

"Got it!" Zayn cheers. On the wall of his garage out in front of us all the previews began to play of a movie I don't know yet because I'm guessing Zayn picked it while I was gathering snacks.

Zayn sits down in his lawn chair laying back with a cup in his hand leaving me the last one standing.

I look back at Harry. He raised his eyebrows with amusement waiting for me to sit. He laid back stretching his whole body out with his arms behind his head.

"Where am I supposed to sit if you're taking up the entire space?" I whisper harshly.

He smirks licking his lips. "There is a place to sit Chloe."

I roll my eyes at his pervert behavior and sit at the edge of the lawn chair, there was a little bit of space there that his long legs didn't seem to take up. I huff resting my elbows on my knees and hold my face in the palm of my hands looking at the screen. We were watching 40 Year Old Virgin, one of Zayn's favorites.

"Chloe." Harry calls my name, but I ignore him and watch as the scene in front of me plays out on the giant wall of this garage.

Throughout the movie I did my best to not turn around and shoot daggers at Harry as he continued bugging me by nudging my back or calling my name. He stops after a while. But instead of leavinh me alone all together he wraps me in his arms and pulls me back all the way unyil I collide with his chest. I make an 'oomph' sound when I do.

"What are you doing?" I said as I laid in between his bent legs.

"Getting your attention." He murmurs moving my hair to one side of me and presses his lips against my neck.

I sigh leaning more into his hold. "Kicking me isn't a way to do it."

He doesn't answer, but he laughs and kisses my cheek before laying his chin on my shoulder looking at the movie.

"Stay the night with me." He whispers all of a sudden.

I turn my head around swiftly. "Wh...what?"

"Stay the night with me." He repeats.

"Harry, are you crazy? My dad will know for sure and I am positive that he will kill me when he finds out."

"He won't find out. In the morning tell him a lie, I'm sure you can think of something."

I wanted to, but, "I can't."

He presses his lips in a line and tightens his jaw. "Right, of course. Forget I even asked."

Tooken back by his sudden mood change I turn back around feeling his arms fall loose on me and rest on my hips instead tightly around me. I could feel his chest rise and fall with a great amount of breathing. He was obviously mad.

The rest of the movie he didn't say one word to me, Jen and I helped throwing away the trash as Liam and Harry moved the lawnchairs back to where they belonged.

"I had fun tonight Zayn." I wrap my arms around his neck as we stood on the front porch, everyone was already gone, at least I think so. I know that Liam took Jen home and I saw Harry leave out before Zayn and I finally did because I was helping him with the cords of the projector.

"There will be more nights like it before you go off to Miami."

"Right, Miami. Are you still staying here to work on your music?"

"Yes." He smiles and nods.

Zayn loves to sing. This whole town knew it and his idea of a good future doesn't involve wealth and a big house like a lot of up and coming singer's dream. It involves teaching and learning. He wants to stay here in Stillton to teach kids all about music.

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