Eighty Three;

728 32 3
  • Dedicated to Chris

I stare at Harry flabbergasted what he just proposed. Wait another year? I can't fall behind like that.

"No way."

"And why not? Just wait until next year, if they accepted you once then they'd accept you again."

"It's too late to cancle my plans now, I'm leaving in three weeks."

"But you're forcing me to prove how much I want to be with you by moving to Miami, I think it's only fair that I force you to prove the same thing and just wait."

"I can't."

He shakes his head and recollects his self. "Let's not talk about this tonight, the point of coming here was to just be together."

I nod in agreement. "Okay."

He smiles reluctantly and steps on to the train tracks as well, the both of us begin to walk at a slow pace side by side. I was praying silently that a train would not come this time.

"What was Chesire like?" I break the silence between us.

He shrugs. "Not much different than this one. There were so many old stores and restaraunts, but people weren't so friendly but they weren't all that rude to each other either."

"Sounds kinda scary actually."

"It's not," He laughs. "People just kind of keep to theirselves instead of parading around with a smile on their faces like the ones in Stillton."

"Has your opinion changed then about Stillton? You once said you didn't like it."

"It changed a little bit."

I grin widely not going on about the subject. It must've took a lot out of him just to admit it.

Harry's hand catches mine and intertwines them making the walk seemingly more romantic. Even though Harry hates the thought of romance he doesn't notice that he is almost like a character in a Nicholas Spark's movie, even if he won't admit it.

"I like it out here," I say looking around. "It's quiet, we aren't looking over our shoulders for someone to pop out and ruin the night."

"And no alcohol to 'boost your courage.'"

I nudge my shoulder with his playfully. "Remind me not to drink again."

"Don't," He says seriously. "Don't drink again, you can't handle that shit. It's easy for people to take advantage of you the way Veronica did."

"But you drink."

"Time to time, I have one cup but that night I was pissed off so I had a bottle. Other than that I know how to hold my liquor."

"What about that night at Liam's party, when you fought Ethan?"

"That wasn't really the alcohol, that was just me. In my opinion the bastard was asking for it."

"Do you remember everything from that night? Including when I drove you home?" I ask with a bit of hope.

He scrunches his brows together deep in thought. "I remember us being in the frontyard and then getting in the car."

"Do you remember what we were talking about?"

"When I teased you about your driving skills?"

"Yeah and everything else after that?"

Again he thinks to his self, but my heart sinks when he shakes his head. "No, it's all black."

"Right." I nod.

"Is there something I'm not getting here?"

"You care about your friends, you're friendly and make sure no one gets left out which explains why you love the book so muc, you read lots of books, and you even wear vanilla scented perfume and lotion...the exact same way she did."

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