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  • Dedicated to Chris

When the movie ended Jen and the boys wanted to stay and watch another movie, as for me I just really wanted to go home and rest and maybe read my book.

I stood up stretching. "I'm gonna go."

"You can't go, we're about to watch The Watchman." Zayn objectifies.

"Sorry, but I gotta get home. Bye." I wave before walking out, I don't think Jen even heard me.

Her and Liam were whispering to each other throughout the whole movie and already I can see how this will play out. They could be getting very soon and I am rooting for her because Liam seems like a kind hearted guy, the complete opposite of Harry.

I closed the door behind me and fixed the beanie on my head as I headed down the stairs, I heard the door open behind me and I thought it would be Jen, but it was Harry instead.

"What are you doing?" I ask when he walks down the stairs and stands in front of me.

He shrugs. "I thought I'd walk you home."

"You can't."

He sighs looking down at his feet, when he looks back up at me he licked his lips. "Look, what I said in the kitchen, don't take it to heart. I say things like that all the time to anybody, sometimes I mean it and sometimes I don't."

I now wanted to know if he meant what he said, about me not meeting up with his standards. I shouldn't care what he thinks because it's not like...I don't know. I was just curious about it, but I wasn't going to ask.

"Well you should work on that, you can kind of hurt people's feeling by doing that." I advise him.

He chuckles softly. "I know, but I almost never care."

"I'm sorry, but is this some kind of apology?"

"I guess."

I roll my eyes and turn around starting to walk away, but he grabbed my arm turning me back around to face him. I snatch my hand away by instinct. He grins out of amusement. "You're feisty today."

"You're a jackass everyday." I countered. "If you want to apologize to me all you have to say is two words and that's it, it's not as hard as you're making it."

"Fine, I'm sorry." He says, I could tell he was only saying it just to shut me up. It was almost funny how we were bickering like this, I looked down letting my hair cover myself so he won't see me bite back a smile. "Now can I walk you home?"

"Why do you want to?" I ask him, I wasn't having an attitude. My voice was sincere compared to all the other times.

"Because." He puts it simply. "Oh come on, I just apologized."

"It's not that..." I trail off looking down the street.

"It's your dad." He guesses. I look back at him and silently nod, he does the same and shrugs. "I'll just walk with you and stop a couple blocks away from your house."

"Yeah." It's too risky, Charlie told me he was grocery shopping and there's a chance he could drive by the two of us walking together. "But thanks for offering."

"But you told me at Plates 40 that what I said isn't true."

"Yeah, I lied."

"So I was right? About everything, I was right wasn't I?"

I narrow my eyes at him at how arrogant he was starting to get, even though it would add on to his ego I nodded. "Yeah, pretty much."

"Okay, you can win this round Chloe Smith." He smiles, I don't know if I should be pissed or not about his use of my full name.

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