Fifty Eight;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

Dressed in all black tonight, Jen and I opened the front door to Zayn's house. I'm not going to lie, in this black outfit and a beige red color on my lips that Jen convinced me to wear and my hair in tight curls made feel very nice. Looking in the mirror, I barely even recognized myself.

Zayn eyes widened when he crossed our paths. "Chloe?"

"Yeah asshole." I tease him.

"A new image and a new attitude, I see." He nods in approval before walking away with a drink in his hand.

"Hey, I thought you said Harry wasn't coming." Jen tilts her head to the side.

"He isn't."

"Then why is he talking to Veronica over there?" She points a finger, I follow her gaze seeing Harry propping his arm against a bookshelf as Veronica smiled flirtatiously up at him.

Why would he lie to me? He knew I was going to be here tonight and so he goes and talks to Veronica?

"That's fucked up." Jen shakes her head. "If you want me to, I'll go over there and snatch her by-"

"No, no. Go and enjoy yourself."

"I'm not just going to-"

"Go, I know you're dying to see Liam."

"If you're sure then fine." She presses her lips in a line and walks away. I breathe heavily crossing my arms looking at the scenery before me.

I slowly walk closer, but made sure neither of them could see me. When I was close enough to hear, the conversation almost made me baffle.

"Are you sure I look okay? It's not too much." Veronica turns showing off her leather shorts and tight top.

Harry nods in approval sending my veins racing. "You look fine."

"Do you...wanna go upstairs and just talk for a while?"

"Veronica, I know you and that look in your eyes. You're my friend, nothing more."

Maybe I shouldn't be so worried...

"We can be friends, just the kind that fools around. Besides, you should really get back at Chloe since she did fuck Ethan."

"Shut up," He snaps. "She didn't fuck him, they just kissed."

"And that doesn't make you mad?"

"Of course it does."

"Than avenge her." She steps closer and grips his shirt, he rolls his eyes pushing her hands away.

"No, she pushed him away when he did it anyways. I only want her Veronica."

"Why? She's nothing special, she's barely even attractive compared to me. Not to sound too full of myself. God, she barely even has a curve on her body,"

Ouch, that hurt. I look down at myself suddenly feeling small compared to Veronica's curvaceous and long body.

"In fifth grade, we called her Cody instead of Chloe because she had no tits. It was hilarious."

I disappear from the room and find the bathroom feeling tears erupt from my eyes. My body shook reliving that awful year that I call fifth grade. Every girl around me was developing and while all these weird things were going on with their bodies, I never got a rouse. I'd listen to Veronica and her other bitchy friends during our free time outside talking about cute bras. Then they'd look at me and giggle about 'Cody Chloe.' It was one of the most embarassing times of my life and how dare Veronica bring it up to Harry.

I wipe the tears away careful not to wipe away too much make-up and look myself over in the mirror.

My mother was still there during that period of time, and when I asked her when will my chest get bigger she sat at the edge of my bed...

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