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  • Dedicated to Chris

At 11:32 I snuck downstairs. Charlie was sleeping and so was my dad, I was extra nervous and so I piled a bunch of pillows and stuffed animals underneath my blankets and covered them up to make it look like I was still there. You never know, my dad could have those I-am-going-to-the-bathroom-but-I'm-going-to-look-at-my-daughter-and-think-about-how-much-she's-grown-as-she's-sleeping moments. With one foot in front of the other rapidly repeating my steps, I walked down the street in the outfit I chose to wear. It was a cool night which was one of my favorite nights. It wasn't hot, but it wasn't cool either. The temperature was just right.

As I approached the block I could see Harry's black car parked there, he was sitting inside waiting for me but I wasn't sure if I should just open the door or wait until he gets out and offers for ne to get in. I went with the first choice and opened the door and climbed into the passenger's seat without even glancing at him, I just look out at the window tapping my fingers on his armrest.

He chuckles. "Is everything okay Chloe?" I could hear him teasing me.

I nod vigorously. "Yeah, definitely."

"You don't have to do this, I understand daddy's little girl might be scared of riding off with a-"

"I want to do this." I snap. Technically, I didn't but his comment wanted me to prove to him and myself that I'm not scared. "I have done this dozens of times before and this is no different, now let's go before I change my mind."

"Well okay." He smiles amusingly and drives off, I glance at him.

He was in a gray beanie with his curly hair falling out on the sides, he wore a white long sleeved shirt and it was thin enough where I could see the tattoos he had on his chest. He actually had a bunch of tattoos and you'd have to be blind to miss his arms. What was the meaning behind them? But I doubt he'd tell me. He had on a pair of black jeans with a few tears in them and his leather brown boots. I adore his leather brown boots.

I look back out the window to see we were now approaching the opened gates that read Stillton at the top of them. These gates blocked off the rest of the world, so to speak.

My breathing quickened when we passed them. I am no longer in Stillton. I have never stepped a foot outside of these gates before, I was never allowed to and now here I am with a man from England taking me to God knows where.

"You've never been outside of this town, have you?" Harry voices over my panicked state of mind.

I don't say anything. I can't say anything. So I just shake my head no.

"I told you, you'll be okay." He reminded me of the promise, in a way it seemed to soothe me a bit.

"Where are we going?"

"We should be there in five minutes." He mutters.

I pray nothing bad happens along the way. We were on a road with trees on both sides of the thin black road. I looked in my rearview mirror seeing the gates of Stillton grow smaller, when I look back up Harry slowly comes to a spot on the side of the road.

I raised an eyebrow looking for one good reason not to panic.

"We gotta walk from here." He says getting out of the car, but I didn't move.Harry opens my door and bends down so he could see me better.

"I don't know about this." I say quietly.

"But you've done this before." He uses the same tone of voice as mine.

I answered his question with silence, he continued. "What you say is true, you don't know me but I can assure you I'm not some murderer or rapist. You say you're scared, but I think you actually like all of this, you've done it before. What makes it so different?"

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