Thirty Five;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

Harry opens up the car door for me and offers his hand to help me out, I take it and slide out of the car. When Harry doesn't pull his hand away and instead closes the car door behind me I get that familiar feeling in my stomach and fight the urge to smile.

We go inside Plates 40 exactly like this and then I spot Zayn, Liam, and Jen at a pool table. The both of us make our way over there as Harry's hand finds a new place on the small of my back.

"Hey." Harry announces our presence.

"Finally, now we can get the fun started." Jen smiles.

It's not like she was bored before we got here, obviously she was more than occupied in the arms of Liam.

"God Chloe, you should wear shorts more often." Zayn says looking down at my exposed legs because of my jean shorts.

"Stop being weird."

I feel Harry wrap his arm around my waist now, pulling me closer.

"Geese, you give someone a compliment nowadays and they want to chop your head off."

"Fine, thank you." I smile sarcastically.

"Chloe," Harry says my name. I look up at him to see him motioning to an empty pool table across the room. "Let's go get our own."

"There's no need to hog the girl Harry." Zayn comments as we make our way over to the pool table.

"Shut up." Harry snaps, but Zayn just laughs.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask as soon as we reach the table.

"Do you and Zayn have something going on that I should know about it?"


"He told you he loves you and he talks about your body as if I'm not here, did you guys used to fool around or something?"

I'm appauled. "Harry, you are the only person that I have...fooled...around with in my entire life. I told you I haven't done any of those things before you. Zayn has been my best friend since we were kids, of course he will give me a few compliments every now and then."

"And say I love you?"

"Yes! We've known each other for a long time and we've been through a lot. I love him too but not in some way that you're thinking. Don't you have a girl friend back in England who you strongly care about?"

He opens his mouth to speak, but soon closes it. "No, I don't."

He stays silent and looks away, I sigh and put a hand on his cheek forcing him to look back at me. When I get his attention he still looks angry, I stand on the tip of my toes to give him a gentle kiss. He kisses me back, barely.

I pull away completely embarassed by his lack of commitment.

"We are just friends, honestly." I whisper.

He looks at me for a moment, I can see in his eyes that he was arguing with his self. But about what? Probably whether to believe me or not. He presses his lips in a line still frustrated but puts a hand on my waist and crushed his lips against mine almost knocking me off my feet.

I can never get tired of his warm and soft lips that were rough most of the time against my very own. Everything he does sends my mind in a frenzy and then I don't have control of myself. But Harry always knows where to lead me, whether it'd be to a bed or any place else.

Simultaneously, we both pull away.

"Will you stay the night with me again?" He says going around the table to grab one of the sticks on the wall.

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