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  • Dedicated to Chris

Charlie was no longer next to me when I woke up. I assume she is going back to being the annoing little twat she always is. I was in a desperate need of a chill day, I literally wore sweatpants and a cute raglan top with a pocket on the top left. I threw on one of my favorite gray beanies over my messy bed hair and went downstairs. Charlie was in the livingroom wih a bowl of cereal watching Cartoon Network.

"Where's dad?" I ask.

She looks at me but finishes chewing before speaking. "He said he had to go grocery shopping. Don't worry I told him you'd probably want chocolate chip ice cream with a bottle of whip cream and chocolate syrup."

I smile and walk over to her kissing the top of her head. "You always come through for me. When he comes back tell him-"

"You're with Jen." She cuts me off focusing back on her cartoons.

I laugh rolling my eyes and walk out the door. Jen probably lived fifteen minutes from me when walking of course. It was a breezy day today, I'm glad I wore a hat over this mess I call hair. I knocked on her front door and I was greeted with Sarah, Jen's mom.

"Hey Chloe." She steps aside and lets me in.

"Hey, I hope it's not too early or anything." I apologize.

"No, Jen is probably wide awake in her room now watching movies." She tells me and laughs before walkin away.

I poke my head in their kitchen to see Jen's dad cooking breakfast. "Morning John."

He smiles seeing me. I love these people and to be honest I secretly envied Jen's lifestyle. Her parents love her willingly no matter the choices she makes even if they disagree and they seemed so easy and understanding to talk to.

"Hey Chloe, how's Marty and Charlotte?"

"Perfectly fine as always."

"Good. I heard you got accepted to UM, that's so exciting."

I just can not escape my false success of getting accepted there, huh? "Yeah, I'm stoked. Well bye."


I run up the stairs and to Jen's room where she was eating a plate of eggs with a strip of bacon hanging from the corner of her mouth starin at the TV. I still a bacon from her plate and lie down next to her.

"Did you see Pretty Little Liars?" She starts to gossip.

I nod and shake my head. "I just can't believe Alison could still be alive."

She scoffed. "I always knew it, I mean we never did see her body."

We spent a while gossiping about the over dramatized show for a while until her parents yelled from down stairs they they're going out and will be back in a while, they said something abiut a car show, but a few minutes later there was a knock on her door.

"Why are your parents knocking?"

She smiles mischiveously. "That's not my parents."

"Who is it?" I ask slowly not sure if I want to know. She doesn't answer me and hops out of the bed and runs downstairs still in her pajamas. I follow after her, but stop halfway towards the bottom and watch suspiciously as she opens the front door.

"Hey Liam...oh, and Zayn." She opens the door fixing her hair.

I roll my eyes as he comes into view. Of course she'd invite him over.

When he stepped inside he was followed after Zayn and again was followed after Harry. Great, just great.

Liam smiles and gives her a huh. "I brought Zayn and Harry, I hope you don't mind."

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