Fourty Seven;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

I hear my phone ringing from my jeans in the bathroom waking me up, I silently get out of bed not wanting to wake Harry and find my phone.

I press the green button, but don't hold it up to my ear yet. Just to stop the ringing. I go out of the bedroom and into the living room and quietly talk into the phone.


"Chloe, come home." The desperation was present in my dad's voice, it almost breaks my heart.

"Why so you can yell at me?"

"We need to get through this."

"Can we do it without shouting at each other?"

"What do you expect for me to do? You lied to me and you're sneaking around with a boy you barely even know and you run away from me to leave with him." He spits.

"See? We can't even speak on the phone without you getting upset."

He sighs. "Where are you?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"No, no. Chloe, please just come home. I know you hate me right bow, but I don't want to wonder and worry where you are and what you're doing. You are my little girl."

"I'm okay dad, I promise."

There's a moment of silence and I hear him sniffle, oh God. He's crying.

"I'll be home later." I give in.

"Thank you, I'll see you then."

I didn't answer back and only hung up the phone bwfore staring down at it. Why is he getting so worked up about this? About Harry and I? Relationships are normal, especially at this age and he's acting terrified for what reason? I want answers.

"Was that him?" Harry appears in the doorway and messes with his hair before opening his tired eyes to look at me.

"Yeah, I told him I'll be home later."

"Do you want to go back to bed and sleep for a while longer?" He suggests leaning against the doorway.

I look at the wall clock seeing it was five in the morning and shake my head, "If it's alright with you, can we watch some TV?"

"Yeah. Are you hungry? I can make cereal, I don't know."

I giggle. "Ramen noodles one night and now a bowl of cereal? When was the last time you had a real meal?"

"Probably ever since I moved here away from my mother's spaghetti and grilled steak." He groans walking to the kitchen.

I sit down on the couch and cut the TV on pulling my knees up to his chest looking through my phone sewing messages from Zayn and Jen.

*Sorry your dad rained on our parade last night. Talk about a buzz kill* Was one of Zayn's.

*Can your dad like not yell about my boyriend?Dny worry, next year when you turn 19 it will be better* Was one of Jen's and it made me laugh. I rolled my head back laying it against the back of the couch.

A few minutes later Harry sat down next to me and handed me a white glass bowl. "It's Lucky Charms."

I laugh and take the bowl crossing my legs in front of me looking back at the TV that showed Criminal Minds. The both of us sit silently as we eat, the only sound came from our chewing and the TV.

I finished eating and laid my head down on the arm rest bending my knees slightly.

"Just come to bed." Harry whispers sitting his bowl down and laying down behind me.

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