Eighty Five;

694 26 1
  • Dedicated to Chris

H A R R Y ' S    P . O . V

I straightened my clothes as soon as I stepped out of the car and slowly walked up to the door.

Marty called me, he probably got my number from the history on his telephone from when Chloe called me an hour before he did. It felt wrong to lie to her and tell her I was seeing Sam today, but I have to finish this once for all. Just like he said.

I raise my hand up and knock on the door three times and step back taking a deep breath. I prepared myself with answers to questions that I knew he'd ask me and hopefully somehow we can come to some sort of an agreement. I'm not asking for us to be friends, fuck that. I'm asking for his respect and in return I'll give him mine. And if we are able to settle on that one and simple term; which I highly doubt, I should be here for ten minutes or less.

The door opens revealing an anxious looking Marty, he looks my choice of clothing over with no expression. He better not talk about the way I dressed because I actually had the fucking decency to wear jeans without holes in them just so he can keep his self from calling me an abomination for clothes that I wear.

"You said she wasn't here, right?" I ask looking over his shoulder making sure Chloe wouldn't turn a corner.

"No, she took Charlie for some ice cream."

I nod and stand there waiting for him to...talk or whatever. This is the quietest we've ever been with each other.

He steps aside and opens the door wider. "Come inside."

I slowly pass him and go inside standing in the middle of the entrance of their home and look around as if I haven't been here before.

Marty closes the door and faces me and I stand straight preparing myself for whatever he had to say. "Let's go to my office, I don't want to risk the girls coming in and seeing you."

Even though I wasn't fond with his demanding voice, I follow behind him into his office and close the door behind me. I take a moment to look around the decent sized room as he walks over to stand by his desk.

He faces me crossing his arms over his chest before taking a moment to speak.

"Alright, I am going to ask you the same question I asked you at dinner. What are your intentions with my daughter?" He asks me carefully.

I lean my back against the door casually, I was freaked out the first time he asked me that question because Chloe and I never even thought about future plans together at that time. "To be with her and if I haven't made it obvious by now then I don't know what else do to or say."

"Marriage plans?"

I knit my eyebrows together. "I'm not answering that question, that's something I want to talk about with her before you. Of course that won't be any time soon though."

"Okay, I understand. So just be with her, that's it? You're around her all the time and the only intention you have is to be with her?"

"What else do you want to know?  Be specific here, I'm laying all my cards on the table because this little rivalry between us will be done after I walk out that door." I tell him with no restraint.

"What about Miami? You're going to move to Miami to be with her  right? Since you care about her and all."

"No, the only place I'm willing to move to is back home."

"And why not Miami where Chloe will be?"

I felt like I was in a room being interrogated by the damn policeman, but I still wasn't going to back down. "I just like it here and I don't want to readjust all over again."

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