Sixty Five;

884 25 1
  • Dedicated to Chris

Trying to dress Charlie was equally as frustrating and tiring as running after a monkey and doing your best to make it sit down and eat, but it ignored you, laughed, and continued running.

Dad asked me to dress Charlie in a nice dress today for the barbeque, and I thought that I'd attend since the bonfire isn't until later tonight. But I wasn't going to wear the outfit Jen and I bought at the mall until then.

"What about this one?" I pull out a red sun dress with flowers covering it from her closet.

"Ew no."

"That's literally everything in your closet, what do you want to wear? People are already showing up out back."

"I don't know what I wanna wear, I hate everything I own."

I breathe heavily amd grab a blue skirt and a white top from her drawers and chuck it at her. "It's only for a day, just wear it. Please? I have to get ready."

She mumbles a fine as I walk out of the room and glance out the back door still in my pajamas. There were a few people here already, two or three men were laughing with my father by the grill and the ladies who I guessed  wete their spouses were sitting down at the picnic table. There were two or three kids.

My father better not expect me to babysit today.

I ran upstairs and found a pair of jeans and a plain red top. Today there were clouds, but it was sunny. There's still water drops from the pass two days of pouring rain, but it was still a pretty hot day. Perfect for celebrating the Fourth of July.

I sat on my bed and opened my phone to a dozen texts from mostly Jen and one from Zayn and Liam. I was finally able to get his number, he really only texts me asking questions about Jen when she's in a bad mood which is almost always. But nothing from Harry, I didn't hear from him yesterday either. He didn't even text me goodnight.

But what if he's waiting to hear from me first? But he's never worried about that before, he'd contact me regardless. Nome of this was a good sign right now, I can only imagine the worse is happening. He's seeing someone else, he isn't attracted to me anymore physcially or mentally, he's hiding something...

"Chloe! Get down here!"

"Okay!" I quickly run over to my mirror and put my hair up into a ponytail leaving bangs down the side of my face and put eyeliner underneath my eyes with a thick coat of mascara.

I threw on a pair of Toms and ran downstairs and step out onto the back porch looking out. In that time between I looked out the window and getting changed, a few more families showed up. There were more kids now and a whole lot of couple.

I walk over to the grill recognizing a few of those men talking to my father. They smiled seeing me and went on about how polite I was with each word I said and how much I got bigger.

"How does it feel knowing you graduated?" One of them ask taking a sip out of a can of soda.

"Relieved." I explain in one simple word which causes them to laugh.

"And college plans?"


"Miami?! Wow, that's great, the Miami area isn't that bad either. They have the greatest clubs, and the drinks-"

"Joe." My father hushes him.

"I'm not worried about those clubs, my head will be in the books." I wink purposefully to piss my dad off and works.

"Hey." He points a warning finger at me, I do the same with him making the group laugh once again.

My eyes waver over to the gates seeing it open, a man and a lady step inside followed by a boy with brown hair keeping his head down. When he looks up with a slightly irritated face, I recognize him immediately as Ethan.

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