Twenty Two;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

"It's official!" Jen screams into the phone so loud I had to pull mine's away from my ears for a second.

I laugh. "Liam and you are a thing now?"

"Well, I don't know but we kissed. He took me on a date at this restaurant and he took me home, and he kissed me and then we said goodnight. So I don't know what we are quite yet, but damnet I can't wait to see him again." I could practically hear the smile in her voice.

"Well I'm happy for you, he seems like a great catch."

"I know, gosh I can't believe I never noticed him throughout our time in high school. I feel like I've wasted my time now realizing we walked the same hallways and I never said a word to him."


"Yeah," She sighs. "Anyways, what did you do today?"

"My dad planned a family day, nothing too embarrassing though. We just got ice cream and went to the park."

"Sounds like a total blow." She jokes. "Oh wait, what the hell happened this morning with you and Harry?"

"Oh uhm..."

"Do not lie to me Chloe Smith." The use of my first and last name reminds me of what Harry would say

"I went to his apartment."

"Apartment? He has his own place? How old is he?"

"I was shocked too, but he's nineteen." I tell her.

"Nineteen, oh Chloe. Your dad will be pissed when he finds out-"

"He won't find out and you're not going to tell him." I sit up in my bed

"Of course I'm not, but if you keep seeing Harry like this he's going to find out. If not then one of his friends will see and tell him. Sneaking out at night, going to his can't keep an act up like this for long."

"I know, but..." I trail off not knowing what to say.

"Well I think you should tell him about Harry, just tell him you're close friends." She advises me.

I scoff. "That is not going to happen."

"You can't keep-"

"I have to go. Goodnight." I hang up not giving her a chance to respond. I didn't want to hear another word avout this, not tonight.

Pretty Little Liars was maybe the only show that could distract me from anything, it always leaves me hanging on to every word, every scene, and every character. When I watch this show I am only focused on this show, but I just couldn't. Harry raced through my mind in yet another night.

One of my favorite days is when I have the whole house to myself, and that day was today. This morning I woke up to see Charlie in a sun dress because one of her friends were turning eight today and were celebrating at the park and my dad is out with a friend enjoying some breakfast or something like that. But who cares?

With a bowl of trail mix on one side of me and my phone on the other side, just in case Jen calls, I was watching a comedy movie that starred Zac Efron, another one of Jen's Hollywood favorites.

In the middle of laughing, the doorbell rung. I ignored it. Today was my day, if it's my dad then he should have a key and I doubt it'd be Charlie and if it was Jen she'd understand my need for a day to myself.

Whoever was at the door wasn't going to leave anytime soon because they rung the bell once, twice, and now three times.

I groaned pausing my movie and getting off the couch, I swung the door open to see Harry standing there.

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