Seventy One;

882 29 3
  • Dedicated to Chris

Zayn and I say goodbye when I finally reached the library, when I got inside the library I barely even recognized the place. She moved the bookcases around and even got rid of some of them, I'm guessing to create enough space for the small round tables on the side of the of the walls. She added a globe as well to the center of the check out desk that was next to a radio playing a bit of Elliot Yamin, even Ana herself changed. Not by much though, from behind as she was stuffing some books in a box I noticed she had her hair down and wore a skirt that went down to her knees with a nice blouse. I'm so used to seeing her hair up wearing a sweater and a skirt that reached down to her knees.

I clear my throat making my presence known, she turns around facing me. She puts a hand over her mouth and within seconds she's across the room with her arm around my shoulders.

"Chloe..."She breathes. I'm confused and overwhelmed as she pulls away and looks me over. "God, I've been hearing so much abour you. Y-You drowned or something and-"

"Just a little Fourth of July mayhem." I explain in a short sentence.

She grins leaving it at that and pulls a strand of hair out of my face. "Whatever happened, I'm glad you're okay."

I nod in agreement. "Yeah, me too. What happened to your glasses?"

"Oh...uhm..." Her cheeks turn a deep shade of red as she turns away abruptly.

"You look great without them but I was just wondering, I knew you for a long time and I don't remember seeing you without your glasses." I add.

"Well, I just wanted something a bit different so I got contacts."

"You look beautiful."

Saying that puts a light in her eyes, one that I haven't seen before and she smiles. "Thank you,"

We stand there in a moment of silence before she gasps suddenly remembering something. "Your key! I found the key to the studio inderneath-"

"Yeah, I gave it back." I explain rather quickly.

"But why...I thought you liked it."

"I do, I do. But I didn't get into Juilliard..." I explain slowly. "So there's no point of me keeping it any longer."

"You didn't get in?" I shake my head to give her confirmation. With a heavy look, she looks down at me. "I'm so sorry."

I smile. "It's okay.Do you need any help? You seem pretty busy right now."

"Oh, yeah. I was just clearing out a shelf, I got some new replacements for all of them, so." She explains as I trail behind her to the bookcase that was already halfway empty.

"Why are you doing all of this?" I ask looking around the place. I didn't want to sound rude, but I was the only person that really came in here and I was a bit upset that she was replacing the books.

"I was thinking about starting some summer programs, not this summer because it's a bit too late but maybe next year."

"What do you mean?"

"Like have kids come in and read to them or they can sit down at the table and color some of their favorite storybook characters."

I narrow my eyes at her tilting my head to the side. "Sam wouldn't have an influence on these decisions does he?"

"What? O-Of course not, he...well, maybe a little."

I laugh. "I think it's pretty cool, Zayn is actually doing sort of the same thing but music wise. But, why do you have to get rid of the books?"

"I'm not getting rid of them honey, I'm replacing them." She says walking away with the box in her hand, I look back at the shelf seeing her leave one behind.

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