
630 22 1
  • Dedicated to Chris

H A R R Y ' S    P . O . V

I breathed heavily as I lean my back against the couch and dial the number on my phone. I stare at the blank TV screen waiting for the caller to pick up.

"Hello?" He finally answers.

"You fucking left?" I tell Liam with no hesitation.

"Well hello to you too." He grumbles.

"Bro." I say in a serious tone hooing he'd get that I wanted an explanation.

"I called one of the guys at the shop to tell you, I guess they forgot."

I furrow my eyebrows. "And you couldn't tell me personally?"

"Everything happened so fast, in the middle of the night Jen was calling me and told me that she was leaving for Atlanta in the morning. I tried to coax her out of it, but she was determined. So, I literally packed everything up in the middle of the night and in the morning the two of us left."

I rub my hands down the side of my face. "Where's Jen? Are you two together?"

"Well we haven't looked at the apartment yet, we will next week. For now, we're staying in a hotel room. She's taking a nap right now."

I shake my head. "This is all happening too fast."

"I know, what happened with Ethan and Chloe...I barely had time to breathe. Man, I could just kill him right now." I can hear the frustration in his voice.

As if he was to face with me, I nod in agreement. "I'd beat his ass, one for you and one for me, but I think the little bitch ran out of town."

"Smart man."

"Barely, you don't hate her. Right?"

"Chloe?" He takes a long pause before answering. "When we went to school together, we never talked but I knew she was a sweet girl. All she really cared about was Jen and Zayn. I think she Judy made a mistake, I don't hate her."

I wish he would've told her that before she left, now Chloe is scratching up the wall wondering and thinking if these two people hate her.

"What about Jen?"

"Jen is a really mean, stubborn, vicious girl and when she hates someones...well, you can only imagine the things she'd say. But I've noticed that when it comes to Veronica, Jen would not hold back on what she'd think about her. Bitch, slut, golddigger, midnight stripper, malicious, jealous, plastic, wannabe..." I laugh faintly as he goes on and mentally agreeing with all of Jen's descriptions. "...But when Chloe's nane is mentioned, she stays quiet and looks away. She doesn't say anything at all. I don't think she hates her like she makes it seem, she's just hurt by what's happened. To be honest, I think she misses her."

I know how much the friendship she shares with Jen means to Chloe. This girl was the only girl friend she's ever had in her entire life. A part of her is gone ever since her and Jen split ways, she's there...but not entirely. I try everything I can to make her laugh, and even though she puts all of her effort to give me a smile, it's never a real one.

"I guess things kind of ended on a bad note between our girls huh?" He gives a sad laugh.

"All because of Ethan."

"It's weird, I thought he was really into her. I wonder what made him do something like this. It's kind if random and out of the blue considering all that's happened."

I crack ny knuckles just with the image if him sticking those pictures into Jen's mailbox with a smug grin on his face. Man, I can't wait until I see him again.

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