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  • Dedicated to Chris

I smile unknowingly when I open the door to my home, I start up the stairs but my father's voice stopped me. "Chloe?"

"Yeah?" I say nervously turning around when I was nearly to the top of the stairs seeing my father with a spatula in one of his hands.

"I'm making your favorite, steak and macaroni for dinner." He smiled holding up the spatula that I already knew was there.

"Oh great." I say.

"You alright?" He asks me.

I wonder if I should just tell him right here, right now that I haven't obeyed his rule when he told me to stay away from Harry, but what's the point in that. It would just turn into a big fight. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"Okay, well dinner will be ready in about half an hour."

"Okay, I'll be down." I say, he looks at me with such suspicion so I turn around and head up the stairs feeling his eyes on me the entire time.

I sigh closing the door behind me and lean my back against the wall bringing my fingers to my no longer virgin lips. Just a kiss from him can make my knees go weak and just a quick look into his eyes can make the palm of my hands sweaty. I just wanted to see him again and it's only been ten minutes since he dropped me off down the block, we were pretty much quiet after we kissed. So I wasn't sure what to make of this, not yet at least. But he told me he wanted me and I could nearly fall out remembering those words because knowing that a man with a to die for accent straight out of England with looks that God had specifically picked out to perfection with endless intelligence, a girl who listens to her daddy still who likes to read.

He was almost like fire; so intimidating but yet people will gaze into it and still find something beautiful and interesting about it and were never disappointed.

And I was like ice; so cold and boring people do whatever they can to get rid of the chill so they turn the other cheek.

See the diiference?

I go into the shower with pajamas in my hand, I take off my clothes, and get in the shower letting the heat of the water as well as the steam slow down my nerves. I hummed a tune while thinking of that poem, the Swan Song. Somewhere in the back of ny mind, a voice was telling me he purposely picked out that poem because he wanted to get it stuck in my head and I think it worked because I don't think that poem will leave my mind now.

"Destined for greater things."

It's not like being a psychologist is horrible, but to me there is something a tad bit better then that.

Dinner is ready when I get out of the shower, Charlie and my dad are seated in a stool that surrounded the islet. I took a seat in the chair across from my father after seeing a plate set out in front of me filled with macaroni and a state. My father watches me as I picked up my fork and I begin to grow nervous at his curious stare. I tried my best to look normal but his look was intimidating me more and more.

"How was the library?" He asks.

"Well it was a library." I remark making him laugh.

"Good point. So, Joe was telling me how his daughter was starting to look at things for her dorm room this coming fall when she goes to college. Don't you think you should too?"

"But dad it's May, I don't leave until August." I was so not in the mood to be talking about the University of Miami.

"Well I shopped early for college, as a matter of fact I started getting my supplies the day after I graduated from high school."

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