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  • Dedicated to Chris

The studio passed my expectations. It was nothing but big empty space with a mirror reaching from one end of the wall, all the way to the other, and that was it. It was perfect and it was all mine. I was currently just sitting in the middle of the floor just staring at my reflection in the mirror in front of me. My future seemed to play out in my head again, I could be in a spot quite similar like this in a few years or sitting in an office with a person talkin to me about your problems. Which one could it be?

"Deep in thought?" I gasp turning around to see Harry across the room.

I stand up smoothening out my jeans. "How did...what are you doing here?"

He does that thing by sticking his hands in his pockets and looks around the open space. "That chick from the library told me where you were, what are you doing here? Isn't this some kind of dance studio?"

"Huh? Oh, I dont know. I...I was locking it up for a friend of mine." I lie quickly.

He raises a questioning eyebrow at me trying to read my eyes for some sort of truth, but I tried my best to keep the confidence and just hope it would work. "Okay, let me walk you home."

"No, but thanks."

"Stay away from him." My dad's voice shouts in my head.

"Well you can't just walk back all alone in the dark."

"I did it a million times way before you came along." I smile reassuring him. "And besides, nothing bad ever happens in this town and eveyone has good intentions."

"Are you trying to avoid me?" He asks me.

I shake my head vigorously. "No, no of course not. Well I-"

"You are. What did he tell you last night?" Harry walks over to stand in front of me.

"Nothing." I pretend to not know what he's talking about.


"He told me to stay away from you." I give in, my voice barely above a whisper.

He curls a finger underneath his chin and lifts it so I was looking up into his warm eyes. "Is that what you want? Do you want me to stay away from you?"

I raise my shoulders and bring them back down. "It would make things easier, don't you think?"

He scrunches his eyerbrows together and removes his finger. I watch nervously as he turns his head, clenches his jaw tightly, releases, and then repeats the action. He looks back at me, his eyes were hard and he shakes his head disappointedly.

I hate that. The look of disappointment. It only tells me that I didn't raise up to their expectations and that they don't even want anything to do with me because I was just that much of a failure.

He walks backwards slowly and finally breaks his eye contact with me and heads to the door walking furiously. "Harry you have to understand-"

"I do." He turns and gives me a smile. "Trust me I do, you want the easy way out. But let me ask you something?"

Please don't make him say something that will confuse the hell out of me.

"Do you want something easy and be okay with the results or do you want something that'd be hard and be satisfied?"

And with that he turns to leave leaving me in a state of mind I hope he wouldn't leave me in. Literally confused; is he some kind of philosopher or does he just read a lot of shit and learns from it?

At 10:02 at night I slipped back inside my home going unnoticed. I started up the stairs and quietly closed my door and laid back on my bed. Whatever my dad says, I listen. I owe it to him because I have this guilt in the back of my mind because I don't want to be what he wants me to be. So when he says stay away, I have to do it. It's not like it's a bitter feeling, I hardly know the guy. But I wonder how he feels, like really feels about this. He walked away from me furiously and he says these things like he wants...to be with me or something. I don't know, he's confusing to me. I turn over and close my eyes drifting off into a dreadful sleep.

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