Sixty Four;

967 27 2
  • Dedicated to Chris

Harry seemed to be a bit on edge tonight on the phone, it made me worry because he didn't say why. He barely even said a word, he'd only reply to whatever I said.

"Can I come over tomorrow?" I suggest with a hopeful smile.

"Uhm, no...I gotta do something, so."

"Oh, okay. Did you help Sam with his car earlier?"


I raise my eyebrows waiting for him to go on, but he decided to leave it at that. I felt like he didn't even want to talk to me right now.

"H-How did that go?"

"Fine, it's not fixed yet though."


"Chloe, I'm getting pretty tired. It's been a long day for me."

"Oh, right. Okay."

"Goodnight." He whispers before ending the call, I hold the phone up to my ear a little while longer waiting for it to ring again and get a usual energetic Harry.

With no hope, I sit the phone down and ponder what could've happened. I hope that he didn't spot Ethan and I together by chance, but if he did I'm pretty sure I'd know that he knows. There was also Sam. Him and Harry have been getting along, but maybe they got into an argument again. But why wouldn't he talk to me about it? He usually does. He always confides in me with the things he's dealing with. It made me feel like he did really need me like he says he does.

I go downstairs to find that dinner was ready. It was cheesy quasedillas tonight, I pulled out a chair from the islet joining in on Charlie and my father's conversation. Well, I listened and just let them talk.

"Everything alright there Chloe?" My father brings me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" I flash him a smile before taking a fork full of my quasedilla.

"I know you're busy on the Fourth of July, but just in case you change your mind Joe and I are hosting a barbecue out back."

"If plans change then, I'll go. With this weather everything could get canceled." I huff looking out the window at the gray clouds

"It always rains before the Fourth of July, it should be fine."

"Fingers crossed." I mumble.

"Are you uhh...gonna be with Harry?"

"Yeah, Jen and Zayn too." I add their names, but it probably doesn't take the worry off of his back because I know he's still uneasy with them.

"Be careful, those parties can get insane and if anything were to happen with you..."

"I'll be okay, I promise." I say taking a sip of apple juice out of my glass cup. "It's just a party, I probably won't even be there that long."

I can't even believe I was actually wanting to go to this bonfire, everyone from Zayn's party the last time could be there again and I'll be stuck in another group of kids laughing at me. But I prayed that those kids would get belligerently drunk and won't even second glance at me.

"Jen and I are going to the mall tomorrow to shop for our dorm rooms."

"Do you need money?"

"Only if you don't mind. I just need enough to buy my bed-set-"

"Don't worry. I'll have money on the coffee table tomorrow. It'll be enough to get you what you need."

I nod finishing off my food and wipe my mouth. Talking about Miami isn't so hard anymore, I'm finally accepting reality that's why.

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