Sixty Three;

954 25 1
  • Dedicated to Chris

It felt wrong to walk through these doors with a clear conscious to go and meet with Ethan this late in the afternoon knowing that Harry was busy at this time.

Ethan said he was off today and said I should come and meet up with him so he won't be distracted by customers and his boss.

I agreed to it, I'm not going to try anything and I won't let him get to my head like he did last time. It was probably a bad idea to do this, but I seem to be making more friends this summer and I wanted to leave this town with a heavy contact list just in case I needed one of them.

Ethan was sitting on the couch when I entered Plates 40. He was sitting patiently with a cup in his hand bobbing his head to the music.

He glances towards me and grins standing up, I walk to him and he does the same. We meet in the middle giving each other a warm hug.

"Finally, where have you been hiding?" He laughs pulling away.

"Sorry, I've just been really busy."

"Anything I can help you with?"

"No, it's fine."

"Let's go sit." He reaches for my hand but I cautiously take a step back so he won't reach.

"Sorry." I mumble avoding his gaze and looking down at the carpet.

He gives me a forceful smile. "It's alright, I shouldn't have done that anyways."

I follow him to the couch and sit down beside him at a comfortable distance. I look around the place seeing it was decorated with streamers and balloons of red white and blue, resembling the American Flag.

I smile shaking my head and lean back. "I can't believe it's already July."

"I know right, summer felt like it just started last week."

"Tell me about it."

The rest of June flew by in a breeze, of course there was that Juilliard downer, and the part where Veronica brought up my embarassing pass, and my birthday ended in up most disaster, and Harry got drunk but after all of that chaos...everything seemed to calm down a bit for me.

I'm going to Miami, I see no other choice. My dad knows that I am, but he's careful not to talk about it every five minutes like he used to do. That was probably the only negativity in my life right now, just the fact that my dreams weren't coming true. But, it won't be all bad because I will be close to Harry.


I'm spending more and more time with him not even realizing it, I can't help it but to lose track of the time. He's what I look forward to everyday, the days I don't get to see him we just spend time on the phone. I even find myself thinking about only him right before I go to sleep...

Jen's relationship status is unfolding beautifully. Liam is getting paid good money, and he's planning to move to Atlanta to be closer to Jen. He's looking for jobs working with cars in that area.

And Zayn, his shop was coming together perfectly. His parents bought him a couple more guitars and a drum set, it's like he said he just needs to learn how to play them before he teaches kids. It's always like Zayn to wait the very last minute to start something.

Harry's plans are still undiscovered, he just won't talk about it. I don't even know if he's staying in Stillton after summer, I want to ask him but all he'd do is change the conversation as soon as it starts.

"Are you going to that bonfire?" Ethan asks me.

"Yeah, it sounds really dangerous but why not? What about you?"

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