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  • Dedicated to Chris

"Huh?" I ask though I already heard him.

He laughs continuing down the stairs and looks down at his watch. "Where'd you just come from. It's fifteen minutes after ten."

I have been at the library for that long? I shrugged. "I've been at the library and plus it's summer vacation dad, it's not like I have a bed time."

"You grow up on me too fast." He smiles before patting my head as if I was some pet and walks off to the kitchen.

I dash up the stairs and sat my book down on my dresser and immediately stripped out of my wet clothes and took a hot shower. I dressed in shorts and a tanktop and laid down on my bed, but stared at Harriet The Spy. I wasn't ready to say goodnight just yet. So I turned my lamp on and opened the page I was left off with ignoring the dampness of the pages from the rain.

So I finally hold a conversation with the guy but he only replies to me with ten or less words. He has an attitude, that I am more than sure about. And I don't think he's quiet because he's shy, I think he is because he just doesn't feel like talking. I on the otherhand have to speak, it's become a job of mine to say what I am thinking ninety percent of the time. But that little moment when he did speak the deepness and the drawl spent shivers down my spine, it was just that amazing. I have never fell in love with someone's voice, I haven't thought about it.

"Chloe!" Jen rushes in my room in such frantic. "Liam's birthday is tonight and he wants me to come and then I asked if you could come and he says I can bring whoever I want and we-"

"Woah, woah, woah." I sit up rubbing my woken up eyes and look at her. This is too much to take in after I just woke up five seconds ago. "Who the hell is Liam?"

"He's that boy I met at Zayn's party." She smiles.

I roll my eyes and lay back down on my bed. "I am so skipping this one."

"Please, I don't want to go alone."

"You know, you are so lucky that I love you too much."

"I know," She grins and sits down on my bed. "The party is at ten, do you think we can kind of slip out without your dad noticing?"

"I'm sure, he should be in bed or at work during that time. We're good." I assure her and lay back down looking at the time. It was ten in the morning and Jen asked me if she could hanh here for the day and I told her yes.

We watched movies, ate, and just talked. Almost what every girl does when they're over each other's houses. She told me a bit about Jason. She told me about his appearance but she didn't have to because I already saw him.

"But apart from his looks, he's so funny, he likes to work on cars, and he loves animals. And get this...he likes the color blue!"

I popped a popcorn in my mouth. "You like the color blue."

"I know," She squeals. "It's like we are a match made in heaven."

There was a knock on my door and I was secretly relieved because Jen opened her mouth to say something else about Liam. My dad poked his head in with maybe three different bags of chips.

"Thanks Mr. Smith, this is why I love to come here." Jen takes all of the chips. We were in the middle of a comedy movie, 21 Jump Street.

My dad gave her a look. "I think there are a hundred reasons why you stay here. Anyways Chloe, did you tell Jen about the exciting news?"

I strained myself from rolling my eyes. "No, not yet dad."

"Ooh, what exciting news?" Jen sings in my ear.

"Uhm..." I really didn't want to tell her because there was nothing exciting about going to Miami for college. I don't even want to go, going to Miami and study to become a psychologist is not a dream of mine.

Julliard. Going to New York and attending Julliard, the school of art, is something I've wanted for a while now. And last week, I recorded myself performing a contemporary dance routine I made up myself and sent in to the schoole along with a letter of why I should atten the school. Nobody knows but me. It was worth a shot, I know I won't get in but I want to see where my professional level lies. If it's a rejection letter I need to improve and if it's an acceptance letter by some miracle from God, then, well, I'm just that good. I am patiently waiting for whichever letter.

"Well go ahead and tell her darling." My dad pushes me.

"Okay, I will." I smile at him not looking anywhere else hoping he'd get the hint that I'd want him to leave, and he eventually got the idea. He turns on his heels and leaves closing my door behind him.

"So, what's going on?" Jen turns to me and sits crisscross.

I huffed. "My letter from UM came."

"UM?! What did it say?"

"I got accepted."

She raises an eyebrow and leans in closer searching my face as if she's looking for something. "You don't sound too excited."

I looked at my door and leaned in to whisper in her ear. "You know I do not want to be a stupid therapist."

"Oh that's right, you like dancing. So just tell your dad you don't want to go and look for a dance school and be the best dancer in the world." She shrugs as if the problem has been solved wifh a snap of the fingers.

I scoffed. "One, my dad is way too happy about all of this and if I told him now he'd be crushed; he likes when I help people and two..." I trailed off. I'm not sure if I should tell her that I applied for Julliard or not.


"Nothing." I decide not to. I want to get my letter first.

"Oh, well let's get ready for this party. Can I borrow that red dress you never wear?" She asks standing up and walking to my closet.

"Go ahead."

I'm not dressig up tonight. Why? So if a drink spills on me it won't matter, luckily there wasn't a stain. Well one I couldn't see that is, my shirt is charcoal black. I got dressed in a simple blue t-shirt with ripped skinny jeans and a pair of blue Toms. Jen was annoyed, but she knows how I am.

I didn't need to explain to my father where the both of us were headed off to due to the fact that he was now in his office. And when we arrived at the house it was already filled and noisy just like Zayn's with almost the same kids. This town was small, so every kid knows the kids, we all just kind of grew up together.

We got out of the car and headed inside. Jen took my hand in hers and led me through the crowd, she stopped when we were in front of a boy with hair cut short with a bit of peach fizz on his chin.

"Chloe meet Liam." Jen shouts over the music.

"Hi Liam." I smile politely and shake his hand. It was probably nineteen-hundred's parent like, but it's the right thing to do. What was I supposed to do? Give him one of those bro handshakes and then hug him and pat his back?

"Cool to meet you too. Do you girls want a drink?" He offers.

Jen says, "Yes."

I say, "No."

"Uhh okay." Liam says confused and walks off to the kitchen with Jen by his side. I stood there looking around, people were grinding, making out, some were even passed out from drinking too much and the party just started half an hour ago.

It was obvious Jen wasn't going to come back and I wasn't going to go look for her, I don't want to intrude with the two. I made my way through all the people and sighed internally when I found a backdoor thinking I'd be the only one out there.

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