Seventy Nine;

792 32 5
  • Dedicated to Chris

H A R R Y ' S     P . O . V

I wake up to the sound of water running in the bathroom, I didn't feel that heaviness on my chest along with the warmth like I hoped for. I groan looking at my alarm clock seeing it was half pass eight.

The door to the bathroom is cracked open and I was able to see Chloe's brown hair in front of the sink. Damn, she was dressed in her clothes including her cowgirl boots.

After a few moments she emerges from the bathroom and I quickly close my eyes hoping that if I pretended to sleep for a while longer she'll eventually crawl into bed with me and wait for me to "wake up."

Apparently it worked, I peeked my eyes opened to see her wondering aimlessly around the room. She walks over to my nightstand and opens the drawer and pulling out a book; one of the many that I keep in there just because. She flips through the pages and looks at the back of the book.

"Hm." She seems interested in the thin book and starts to get back into the bed.

I close my eyes again feeling her scoot closer to me, she wasn't in my arms but it's better than her not being at here at all. I really didn't want her going back home, I can't believe she even calls it that. And she actually considers my place a second home when she knows she's fifty percent more happier here than there. I was serious about her moving in with me. If she's here we could spend the whole day together laughing, watching TV, making jokes, and let her tease me. Sure we'd argue here and there, but yesterday; lounging around in a pair of pajamas arguing with Chloe and eating spaghetti she prepared professionally while watching TV and laying her down in my bed to give her the ultimate pleasure, was a great day for me. And I just wanted many more days like it.

This summer is counting down. Day after day. Hour after hour. And I will never say this to Chloe's face, but I strongly believe that our time together is limited. I can't maintain a long distance relationship, I'd want her here with me not in fucking Miami. And even if I could manage to be here without her by my side, what if her father was right about finding some jackass wearing Van sneakers and khaki shorts and just fall for him? I'm trying to keep what we have alive, but in the back of my mind I know that it will just die.

I peek my eyes opened momentarily to see her with her knees bent and the book opened resting on her lap. Her lips sucked in betweem her teeth as her eyes skimmed the pages with her eyebrows knitted together in focus.

Seeing her so intrigued by this book made me laugh, her eyes shoot to me abruptly and I quickly close my eyes but I knew it was already too late.

She gasps and hits my arm with the book. Fuck, it was a hard copy.

"You're awake?!"

"Oh don't be surprised," I grumpily sit up leaning my back against the headboard. She's on her knees facing me shooting daggers at me. "You know I don't want you to go back."

"And you know I have to."

"Yeah, yeah. Time to go explain yourself to your father even though you're eighteen." I give her a sarcastic smile.

"I'm not going to explain myself, but we really do need to finish our argument from the other day."

"Why do you think he gets so pissed off about your mum anyways?"

She shrugs. "I'm trying to figure that out too."

"It all just seems sketchy."

"Zayn keeps telling me that too. I didn't really consider the possibility that something was wrong until Zayn told me the day before my birthday."

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