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  • Dedicated to Chris

"Fifteen minutes late to meet the parent? Never heard of that before." My father mutters from beside me.

I roll my eyes and shake my head at both my father's words and Harry's tardiness. He was making this harder than what it's supposed to be.

"He's on his way. He messaged me five minutes ago." I smooth out my gray dress; tight on my torso and loose towards the bottom.

We were standing outside of the diner waiting for Harry, my father already set up reservations and he was starting to get upset because he kept going inside every five minutes to tell the escort to hold just a few more minutes.

It was the nicest diner in town, Vanscé. I try to avoid it as much as I can, it was way too upscale for me.

"You have each other's numbers?"

"He is my boyfriend." I point out.

"You knew the guy for only-"

"There he is." Even though I am relieved to see Harry's car pull up, I was still mad that he took so long. Something told me that it was all on purpose.

He gets out of the car fixing his shirt, my eyes widen slightly seeing his shirt unbuttoned. Oh my God.

Harry licks his lips seeing the look on my face only short glancing at my father as he makes his way to me.

"Hey." He goes to wrap his arm around my waist and kiss me, but I quickly step back hinting to my father who was twenty feet away from us.

He rolls his eyes but stops his actions anyways.

"Can you please button up your shirt a little bit more?" I whisper harshly.


Of all nights to be uncooperative...

"Just one, please."

He presses his lips in a line and keeping an attitude he only buttons one of them on his white shirt.

My father clears his throat from behind us.

"Thirsty?" Harry smirks.

I put a hand on his stomach to force him to look down at me, but he didn't. So instead I turned around and walked over to my father.

"Can we go inside now?"

"Good idea." He already looks displeased as he turns on his heel and heads inside the restaurant.

I huff before facing Harry. "Will you not start with him? I don't know about you, but he's willing to actually sit and get to know you."

"I actually thought about this on the way here Chloe, I think that he only wants to 'get to know me' just so he can judge me."

"Harry, that's ridiculous." I roll my eyes and take his hand in mine leading him inside.

My dad was already seated at a table that was in the middle of the restaurant surrounded by a lot of people. There was candles lit, and piano music playing over the conversations.

"There's nothing but old people here." Harry groans as our fingers intertwine.

I stay quiet as we made our way to the table. I took a seat across the round table from my father and Harry pulled up a chair and sat down right beside me.

"So Marty, I haven't been here before. What do you recommend?" Harry grins, his voice full of sarcasm.

My father keeps his composure, thankfully, and fixes his tie looking down at the menu we were just handed. "The cheese soup with bacon is pretty good, or if you want something to really fill you up I'd advise the steak."

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