Fifty Nine;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

H A R R Y ' S P . O . V

If there was ever a good moment to comfort someone, now would be a good time but I don't know how. I was never the type to be a shoulder to cry on, but seeing Chloe struggle with her breathing because of all these tears almost made my knees give in.

She holds on to my arm following slowly behind me as I make my way to my apartment and unlock the door.

"Do you need anything?"

"N-No." She stifles.

I take her face inbetweem the palm of my hands. "Just breathe."

"I can't, it feels like I was a child again when all they did was tease me in front of everybody just like they did tonight-"

"Shh, shh." I say. Talking about it made her sobs worse.

"I-I just wanna lay down, c-can I please lay down?"

"Of course baby, go in my room and find some clothes to wear and I'll get you some water."

She nods vigorously before walking pass me and disappearing down the hallway. I tug at the ends of my hair standing where I was by the door.

When Veronica told me that dumb ass story, I thought it was just history to Chloe but obviously not. That shit scarred her. I should've said something or walked away when I had the chance instead of letting her embarrass her like that.

And when I saw her run on to the street with a car twenty feet away from her not slowing down, my stomach dropped. All that went down tonight was my fault. Veronica seems to be bad luck because due to the fact that I struck up a conversation with her Chloe felt the need to talk to another guy, she got completely embarrassed by the people she grew up with, and was two seconds away from getting hit by a car.

I close the door with a heavy feeling on my shoulders and fix a cup of water. It's only fair that I care for her in her time of need just like she did to me when I was a drunken and sloppy mess.

Halfway to my bedroom I already her quiet sobbing outside of the door. I step inside the dark room and see an outline of her petite figure on my bed. I turn on the lamp by my side of the bed to see her back turned to me wearing one of my black shirts.

"Chloe," I walk over to her side and bend down at eye level with her. The dark make-up around her eyes has cascaded down her cheeks and her breathing was shaky. At least the tears stopped. "Drink this."


Chloe, now is not the time for your stubborn behavior. "It'll help you breathe-"

"I'm fine." She snaps closing her eyes tightly.

"Okay. Do you wanna read my journal?"


Great, she's sad and pissed off making this guilt feeling hanging above my head sink lower on to me.

I roll my eyes and sit the cup down before walking over to my dressers to change into a pair of sweatpants but leave my shirt off. I turn off the lamp before sliding into the bed looking down at her.

I didn't even feel like the man I should be looking at her this way; suffering. She'd rather suffer in silence alone, but she doesn't need to do that as long as I'm here with her. I know she hates me but even that won't keep me away.

"Baby," I put a hand on her arm barely making skin to skin contact. She still tenses underneath my touch. "I-I know you want to be alone right now, but please just... let me hold you."

If she doesn't want me to, I won't say a word but it's killing me knowing that we are less than a foot away from each other and she isn't allowing me to do anything for her even though I'm capable.

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