Fifty One;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

I walked into my house following my father's trail and groaned at how the night went. I wasn't expecting a field of flowers, but a daffodil would've been nice.

"Chloe, I expected more from you."

"Okay, I get it. He isn't some guy in medical school who has his whole life planned out, but that doesn't natter to me. At first I cared about what you thought, but now not so much. You are really judgemental."

"That's what fathers do." He says loosening his tie and heads into the living room, I follow behind him.

This has got to end now.

"No, that's what you do. I care about him, a lot."

"You're just being foolish."

"Then let me be foolish, I don't care what you think anymore."

"See? This is exactly why you need to stop seeing him, he's brainwashing you. In just three weeks you stopped caring about everhthing. Your sister, me, your future."

"No, I still love you and Charlie, and I will always care about the both of you and as far as my future goes I told you what I wanted. You nay not agree with my choices anymore, but you know what? I'm satisfied."

He groans loudly before turning his back to me staring at the wall, his shoulders slump. "Whatever happened to you?"

"Nothing, I'm still me. I'm just older, I'm eighteen now dad. I realized it, my friends realize it, Charlie realizes it...maybe you should too."

He doesn't say anything else, I hope that what I said gets through to him and we can make amends here. I leave out of the living room in pure silence going up to ny room and flop down on my bed.

Now I need to face a new issues, and that's my friends. He isn't possibly planning to keep me away from them too,is he? Not Jen and Zayn, and Liam seems like such a nice guy I didn't even get a chance to have a real conversation with him yet.

I haven't spoken to either of them yet, I really need to. They keep texting me wondering what happened and there's so much to explain, my phone only accepts a number of characters per text.

I call Harry and wait silently as it rung, on the fifth ring I was ready to hang up but Harry finally answers the phone.


"Hey, it's me."

"Oh," He breathes. "Sorry, I was taking a shower."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll just-"

"No, it's fine, I'm finished now. Tell me all the bullshit he said after I left." I can hear the smile in his raspy voice.

I shake my head. "Nothing much, I barely even let him talk."

"That's my girl."

I bite my lip before laying down staring up at the ceiling feeling the temperature of my cheeks rise.

"What happens with us now Harry?" I whisper.

I hear him breathe heavily on the other end. "You tell me, I'm losing my mind here. I don't even know if we are together."

"Oh...we aren't."

"I don't know, do you want me?"


There was a moment silence and it made me weary. I furrow my eyebrows and speak again, "Do you want me?"

"Of course I do." He says.

"You aren't acting like it." I murmur.

"That's because your fucking dad won't get out of my head, you have no idea how much it took out of me to just sit there and let him judge me. Why did I even agree to this?"

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