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  • Dedicated to Chris

After twelve a few people started to go home, but it's not like you could tell because there was still a large number left inside the two story house. My skin started to get hot, I was thirsty but the only way to get to the kitchen was to get pass Harry and I didn't feel like running into them, and to top off my frustration a couple sat down right beside me and almost swallowed each other whole with their damn mouths.

I looked at them in disgust, no wonder adults hate us kids these days. I used to tell myself everything that they think is so stereotypical, but now I kind of understand where they might be coming from. We really are party all night, alcoholic, drug taking, hormonal teenagers who aren't slightly worried about all of our tomorrows. Well I am worried, sort of.

I see Harry appear in the doorway of the living room, I feel myself light up as I began to sit up straight completely forgetting that I was supposed to stay away from him. I remembered though as soon as his eyes met mine and I slumped back into the couch. He could've been my last hope to get me away from this annoying pair that was ready to have sex on this couch.

Harry licked his lips in amusement seeing the situation I was in, I press my lips in a line looking the other way. I glance back to see him make his way to me, my heart started beating rapidly inside my chest.

Veronica appeared out of nowhere and grabbed his arm and said something to him, something I couldn't make out. Harry looks iffy about whatever she's saying as she continues to tug on his arm, he then sighs heavily and Veronica drags him over to the steps and started walking. Harry turned around, looked at me with little emotion, and then continued up the steps.

I needed air.

I hopped off the couch and made a B-line for the front door. When the cool crisp air  hit me I breathed in deeply and then slowly let it out. I feel stupid but at the same time pissed, but not at Harry. More towards myself for not having some independency in my life, I'm seventeen and I still have to ask my dad permission to walk across the street. It was pathetic.

This was an easy way, it was easy because my life is far more complicated enough and I can't add on to it. Harry just might. I haven't met anyone like him. Careless, arrogant, cocky, intellegent, and good looking all in one. That is just asking for trouble.

At this point I want to go home. I walk back inside and tell Jen I'm going back home, she offers to come with me, but I say no because I could see the look on Liam's face he wanted her to stay. They are so cute.

I did not wake up until twelve this afternoon, I was just so lazy and this bed made not getting up even more hectic. I woke up to over ten text messages and three missed calls, all from Jen.  She was just buzzing out over usual random things, informing me what dreans she had which involved clowns and a goldfish, the most amazing plate of nachos her mom just made, and pictures of Zac Efron. Random, I tell you.

I heard a knock on my door and a few moments later my dad peekes his head in. "Damn Chloe, I thought you were dying up here."

"Nope, just being lazy." I laugh throwing myself back into the pillows.

"You've always been lazy, and don't think I don't know about all the times you faked being asleep just so I could carry you to the couch when you were little."

"You knew?" My eyes widen.

"Of course I did, I'm not stupid."

"Could've fooled me." I mutter but loud enough for him to hear, he dropped his jaw. "I'm kidding."

"Chloe, the little joker." He laughs slightly. "Well, your sister and I are watching movies. You're welcome to join us."

"Movies with my dad and my annoying little sister? I'll pass." I smile.

"You sure do know how to hurt your old man's feelings."

I laugh and get out of bed to kiss him on the cheek. "Ow, your ridiculous mustache pricked me."

"Respect the 'stache." He says warningly before walking out of my room.

I look at Harriet The Spy that was perched on my nightstand. I finished it last night and I was in dying need of finding something else to read and plus I really needed to speak to Ana.

"Did you finish the book?" Ana asks as I sit the book in the return bin.

"Yup, but I can't figure out what I should read next." I mutter looking around.

"Don't rush, finding a good book takes time." She advises me.

I suddenly remembered something. "Did a guy come here the other night and ask about me?"

She chews the inside of her cheeks trying to remember, she then smiles widely. "Ah yes, he asked if I knew you because he says he saw you come here a few times and I told him you were at the studio. I'm sorry, but he was so cute and so charming."

Charming a lady to get what he wants? That definitely sounds like something he'd do. But on to something else, he saw me come in here? I don't know if I should be flattered or creeped out.

"I'm sorry, he said he was your friend." Ana whispers quietly.

"I'm not mad at you, not at all." I give her a reassuring smile.

"He isn't your friend, is he?"

"Not really." I rest my elbows on the check out desk looking at her seated in the chair.

"Boyfriend?" She smiles. I swear she acts like my age sometimes, but I don't care because she rocks and she could pass for it.

"No way, my dad will kill me."

"Oh so this is what it's about."


She nods. "I think it is. Look, I'm not going to get in you guys's business or anything, but from what you've told me about the relationship with your father, he can't keep living your life."

"I've been told."

"By him right?" She refers to Harry.

"Yeah, by him."

"Well he knows what he's talking about." She smiles before going back to her computer making me huff.

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