Twenty Eight;

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  • Dedicated to Chris

After telling my dad that I spent my time at the library, it reminded me that I needed to pay Ana a visit and the thought occured as I laid back on Charlie's bed watching yet another Disney movie of her choice. So at the crack of dawn I called Jen up to meet me at the library, I felt guilty because in the back of my mind it felt like I was only hanging out with Jen because I can't be with Harry.

She obliges. I dressed myself in a pair of jeans that went up to my belly button and matched it with a red acid washed top and went to the library. Ana wasn't there yet when I showed up, but then again it is only seven in the morning and so I leaned against the wall and decided to either wait on her or Jen, whoever came first was fine with me.

Half an hour goes by and neither showed up, I am a regular here at this library and it's crazy how I don't know what time she opens up. I sigh heavily before walking away, maybe if I walk for a while and come back she'll be here. I looked down at my feet not bothering to where they lead for a while watching the sky get brighter of the color of a light blue daylight as the minutes passed.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I looked up noticing that I was in front of Joe's Auto Repair Shop. There were already a few guys in the shop working around on some cars. I bit my lip smiling seeing a curly haired top being tied back with an american flag printed bandana.

Harry had a dirty streak on his jaw and his hands were completely covered in it as well, his look of concentration was appealing for me as he hunched over and grew frustrated with whatever was stuck underneath the hood of that car, he finally yanked out a small medal piece looking down at with a look of relief before throwing it aside and bending back down.

I walk away quickly before he notices me creeping on him.

I went back to the library to see it was finally opened but Jen still wasn't there.

"Hey Ana." I chirp seeing her place a few books on the shelves.

"Oh hi, look what book came in. One of your favorites." She sings as I walk over to her, she pulls out a book from the shelf handing it to me. It was Looking For Alaska.

I laugh and shake my head. "No thanks, I have my own, finally. Harry gave it to me."

"Would Harry be that young man that came in here looking for you but I accidentally told him you were ay the dance studio?"

"Yes, him." I sigh.

"What's wrong?"

I shake my head. "My dad knows I've been seeing him, he blew up on me just like I predicted."

"So is he making you stop seeing this boy?" She asks stocking the books again and I follow her as she goes isle to isle.

"Yes, but I'm not listening to him this time. I will see him again."

"Ooh, where has this Chloe been hiding?"

She was right, all of a sudden I've becone angry but I should be angry because I have never been able to get or do whatever I wanted all because I thought my dad knew best and I didn't want to come off as that whiny ass teenage girl.

"I don't know, but I wish she would've came out sooner."

"Well good luck to the both of you, but you have to make sure this is what you want. This could ruin you and your dad's relationship all for nothing. You may not know this now because it is so early on, but you could be losing everything all for nothing."

I didn't have a chance to respond because the bell rung signalling that someone came in, I look in the doorway to see Sam, the guy that came to Harry's apartment yesterday.

"Urm, hey." He smiles a goofy smile tucking his hands in his jean pockets. "Wait aren't you Harry's girlfriend?"

"Well I'm not his girlfriend, but I am the girl you saw yesterday." I smile.

"Chloe right?"

I nod. "Sorry, I didn't get to properly introduce myself, Harry seemed to be in a rush sort of."

"He wasn't in a rush and if he was it was only to get away from me."

"Why would you think that?"

"Because he hates me, despite the fact that we are family." He shrugs and walks over to a bookshelf grazing thriugh the options. "I'm his uncle and before he moved here, he was still housing with his mother and so she sent him here because of his behavior. But as soon as he got here he bought that apartment anf he was over eighteen so it's not like he I could stop him."

"But if he is legally an adult then why did he let his mom send him here?"

He chuckles shaking his head. "Beats me. I think it's because he wanted to move here but then again he didn't."

I wasn't one to be nosey, but I am curious. I still had questions, but I won't ask. I'd like Harry to tell me this personally, not his uncle and the one and only time I remember Harry mentioning his "uncle" was when he gave me that book.

"Can I help you with anything?" Ana finally speaks, I almost forgot about her.

Sam looks at her and pauses his actions for a moment before speaking again. "Thank you, but no. I'm not looking for anything in particular."

"Oh, okay." Ana goes back to what she was doing.

The door opens once again and I am faced with Jen, I roll my eyes. "I told you to get here like two hours ago."

"I'm sorry, I should tell you that something came up but honestly I just went back to sleep."


"So what's up?"

"Uhm..." I look behind me to make sure nobody was listening before taking her by the arm. "I have a lot to tell you, bye Ana!"

"Oh, bye honey."

"What is it? You're hurting my arm," She pouts before snatching her arm out of my grip, when we are halfway down the street I was still looking for a way to start this whole thing off.

"And where did you disappear to at my party? Harry was still there, but when I asked him where'd you go he just shook his head and left."

That's a good place to start. "We went for a walk after I played some pool and we talked for a bit, and then my dad showed up."

She gasped. "No way, did he see you and Harry together?"

I tell her yes, and then the fallouy of getting caught. The shouting match we had and Charlie and I's argument the next morning. I didn't want to tell her about Harry showing up at the dance studio she doesn't even know about and how he took he to his apartment.

"Awe man." Jen kicks a rock.

"I know, I wish I had something as simple as you and Liam have." I sigh.

I can see her trying to fight back a grin, she was probably only doing it because she thinks it is an inappropriate time but it's not like I would've been mad even of she did. "We aren't all that perfect."

"Oh please."

She giggles and shrugs knowingly. "Yeah, I guess we are. But you are turning eighteen soon I'm sure then you can make your own choices sooner than you think."

"Not as long as I'm living underneath his roof."

"Get your own place."

"Like I have the money." I say sarcastically with a roll of my eyes.

"Well let's not worry about any of that, not for the next few days at least. Now let's go to the mall, I'll drive. " She takes my arm in hers and begins to walk.

The only thing that crossed my mind was I loved that mall because that's exactly where Harry and I bumped into eachother, literally.

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