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3rd Person POV

Cookie Lyon made her way into empire, with her head held high as usual, and her heels clicking loudly against the marble floor. She had a pound of fur on her shoulders and adjusted her Gucci shades. She passed by hakeems office, Jamal's, Andre's, and lucious' all without stopping her fierce strut. Everything was going fine, until she had to come across her sworn bitch-faced enemy, Anika Calhoun.

The woman also had a rather confident walk as well. They came face to face with eachother, and pausing. "Excuse me Anika but you're blocking my damn way." Cookie Said. "Oh no worries, I'm just heading over to see my man. The one who left you and went for me? Excuse me." The woman said, brushing past Cookie.

The woman scowled an angry expression. She continued to walk. "Well you and your crabs go right on in. You know Lyons lure their prey." She Said, Continuing to walk down the hall. Anika turned around and whispered. "Bitch." She Said. "That heffa' must think I'm deaf." Cookie chuckled to herself.

She and Anika never had been fond of eachother. Once cookie arrived back from prison, she was shocked enough to see the large music production company strive in the hands of Lucious but not hers. But to know that she had been replaced, let alone by another yella' person, let alone HER, Cookie felt like ending the entire world.

Anika flaunts around the building like she owns something. She thinks (and can) do anything she wants to because her man is the boss. That should have been Cookie.

But cookie realized that she didn't need to be right underneath Lucious in order for her to flaunt around anywhere.


Cookie walked inside of her small office, still with her head held high. The only thing that she could be excited about was Jamal's new album. She smiled widely once she saw news about it illuminating off of her tablet screen. "Yes, that's my baby...!" She Said to herself.

"It's gonna be incredible. His passion all put into 16 different songs. That boy is doing big things." She smiled. She always knew her boys would have a future as bright as the sun. And to have the entire family working under one company, was a dream come true.

They owned everything together, and wether Lucious liked it or not, Cookie was in charge of some things. He was mistaken for think that he could have the person he hustled with years ago be invited into the company he started with her money, and just expect her to sit and be a basic employee. That wasn't Cookie Lyon.


During her lunch break, Cookie decided to walk down to the lobby, and get her food from somewhere nearby. As she and her heels made their way across the lobby floor, she saw all of the important workers in the meeting room.

Her sons, producers, other artists, and Anika. She was confused. She saw what was going on. They tried to shut her out. Cookie put her confident demeanor back on, and marched right over the big glass room. She swung the doors open, and marched inside. Everyone stared at her in a shock. "Oh I'm sorry, did I just interrupt something? How come no one told me about this meeting?" She asked.

"No one told you because you weren't invited." She heard a snarky reply. Anika. She stood facing her with her arms crossed and that annoying smirk on her face that always made Cookie want to hit her in her jaw.

Cookie sucked her teeth, and slowly walked next to her. She placed her hand on the table and cocked her head at her. "Are we gonna have some problems?" Cookie Asked her.

Anika stayed quiet, but her expression gave it all

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Anika stayed quiet, but her expression gave it all. Cookie smirked, and sat down next to Hakeem. "What are we talking about?" She whispered. "The music albums and stuff." Said Hakeem. "But I'm in charge of the soundboard and producing so why wasn't I invited?" She asked.

"Well you weren't invited because dad gave Anika your job.." chimed in Jamal. Cookie froze. That sentence began to echo throughout her hears. Her job? Lucious gave her that job?

"Oh, I see. So I wasn't invited because Lucious gave this bougie bitch my job?" Cookie Said about Anika, speaking loudly and getting aggravated. "Can you please not make a scene today?" Said Anika calmly. "Oh I'll show you calm- Ma just relax talk about this another time. We need this meeting-" Cookie got up quickly.

She exhaled, and walked towards Anika. "Keep messing with me bitch and things won't end well for you." Cookie snapped. Pointing her finger in her face. "I won't allow you to ruin my damn life, bitch." Cookie snapped. She angrily exited out of the meeting room.

Anika cleared her throat, and continued her meeting as if Cookie never came.


Later that night, Cookie still couldn't get over the anger that boiled up inside of her from Anika. She paced around her living room, wine in hand, hair in a messy bun and cheetah print pajamas on.

"That bitch! How can she just take my damn job as if it was nothing! Ugh, that bougie slut is trying to steal my life! All up under Lucious with her yella' ass!" Cookie angrily said. "She's going to get what's coming to her. I'm not letting that tramp think she can just walk through the company and get anything she wants." Cookie snapped.

Of course Lucious would be of no help. All he would do is tell Cookie to stop being angry and try to put her further out to pasture. Why let her work there if he's just giving her jobs away to low-life ho's like Anika? She didn't understand.

She thinks she has everything. She think she has it all figured out. She's no match for Cookie, no matter how hard she tried.

"I can choke that bitches lights out." Cookie scowled. "Or knock her out." Cookie Continued. She slumped down onto her couch. "No one can keep cookie down. She wants a battle, she can have a battle." Said Cookie.

Anika was always some sort of competition. The two women never felt that could just be themselves around eachother. They had to leave some sort of mark. Or let one know where the other stands. It was something they figured that only they knew about. If one does something, the other had to do it better. If one has an idea, the other needs to have a better one.

Common thing with women In a known rivalry. They're both hard workers, and have a big stance in their profession. Well, Cookie did have a stand. Until that bitch took it. Cookie crossed her legs, and chuckled to herself devilishly as she sipped on her wine. "Fine Anika, I'll play your little game." She Said to herself.

"Let's play." She scowled.


YES, I know that this is a book that everyone has been asking about for about a year! But I will try with updating this! I don't know if I can call this a new book or not, since it's a remake! Enjoy!

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