Part 88 - Marriage

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Just stop your crying
It's a sign of the times
Welcome to the final show
Hope you're wearing your best clothes

You can't bribe the door on your way to the sky
You look pretty good down here
But you ain't really good

We never learn, we've been here before
Why are we always stuck and running from
The bullets, the bullets?
We never learn, we've been here before
Why are we always stuck and running from
Your bullets, the bullets?

Just stop your crying
It's a sign of the times
We gotta get away from here
We gotta get away from here
Just stop your crying
It'll be alright
They told me that the end is near
We gotta get away from here

Just stop your crying
Have the time of your life
Breaking through the atmosphere
And things are pretty good from here

Remember, everything will be alright
We can meet again somewhere
Somewhere far away from here

We never learn, we've been here before
Why are we always stuck and running from
The bullets, the bullets?
We never learn, we've been here before
Why are we always stuck and running from
The bullets, the bullets?

Just stop your crying
It's a sign of the times
We gotta get away from here
We gotta get away from here
Stop your crying
Baby, it'll be alright
They told me that the end is near
We gotta get away from here

We never learn, we've been here before
Why are we always stuck and running from
The bullets, the bullets?
We never learn, we've been here before
Why are we always stuck and running from
Your bullets, the bullets?

We don't talk enough
We should open up
Before it's all too much
Will we ever learn?
We've been here before
It's just what we know

Stop your crying, baby
It's a sign of the times
We gotta get away
We got to get away
We got to get away
We got to get away
We got to get away
We got to—we got to—away
We got to—we got to—away
We got to—we got to—away

[Harry Styles - Sign of The Times]

Deretan wartawan dan juga mobil mewah menjadi pemandangan pertama yang dilihat oleh para tamu undangan begitu sampai di sebuah hotel bintang lima kawasan Kuningan. Bukan hanya itu, ada juga puluhan flower tributes yang berjajar rapi di sekitaran hotel. Flower tributes itu dikirim oleh banyak tokoh berpengaruh di dunia entertainment Indonesia, tetapi mengandung ucapan yang sama:

Happy wedding
Jude Lewiss & Rachel Magdelene Walker

Kiprah Jude di dunia entertainment memang bukan main. Terbukti pada hari pernikahan ini.

Jude melamar Rachel tiga tahun setelah mereka lulus kuliah. Tak terasa, sudah tiga tahun lebih juga sejak Rachel membuka matanya pertama kali setelah operasi transplantasi jantungnya.

Awalnya, Jude dan Rachel menginginkan pernikahan sederhana. Namun seperti biasa, pernikahan sederhana mereka ditentang keras oleh orang tua Rachel. Sama halnya dengan Damian.

'Pernikahan sederhana' itu kini menjadi sorotan publik karena kedua mempelai merupakan orang yang sama-sama memiliki pengaruh besar. Sang suami model terkenal yang telah berkiprah ke dunia internasional, sang istri merupakan putri tunggal salah satu dari sepuluh orang terkaya di Indonesia. Tamu-tamu pernikahan mereka pun bukan orang biasa, yakni para pembisnis negara, pejabat, juga para public figure.

Left Untold  [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang