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mina's POV

i was walking down an alley when i felt like someone was following. it felt like a whole group was following me, but when i looked back, there was no one. i swear, i feel like someone was, but when i looked back to the front, i see two people in front of me. they were both wearing masks, but they looked familiar.

"we finally got her, kook." one of the guys said. kook? that name sounded familiar.

"no shit, tae. she's right in front of us. didn't joon hyung told us to bring her to our van?" the 'kook' guy said. i was confused. are they going to kidnap me?

one of them took out a napkin. my eyes widened and i tried to escape, but they caught my wrist and i was pulled back.

"don't panic. nothing's going to happen." 'kook' said before placing the napkin on my mouth and before i knew it, everything became black.

taehyung's POV

the girl that me and jungkook followed and kidnapped is my crush. i have always wanted to confess to her, but I'm too scared to. when namjoon hyung told us to just kidnap her, i was shocked. i did not want her to get hurt or be afraid of me because she's too precious.

"tae, we need to hurry or else people will think we're actual criminals and we will get reported!" jungkook says. we carried her to the van where the rest of my friends were. 

"goodness! what took you guys so long?" jimin, my soulmate, asked

"sorry. she tried to escape but we caught her just in time." jungkook answers for me.

"okay, now let's go." yoongi says, leaning his head onto the headrest. seokjin started driving and we sat quietly in the car.

(A/N: i don't know if that's correct or not. hehe... don't worry. it's just an imagine and it's based on my thoughts.)

we then arrived in our hideout (technically our apartment).

"come on! hurry before she wakes up!" seokjin says, and we all scrambled out of the car. me and jungkook quickly carries her to her room and placed her down on the bed. it was really painful for me to see her unconscious.

mina's POV

when i woke up from my sleep, i looked around and i saw that i was in an unfamiliar room.

"oh, good, you're awake." someone said, making me jump.

when i looked to see who was there, it was yoongi.

"yoongi? wh-why are you here?" i asked. "h-how did i end up-"

"you should be asking where the others are." yoongi says, ignoring my questions.

i frowned. "were you the ones that kidnapped me? why-"

"oh my god, shut up. you should be glad that it was only us and not some pervert." yoongi says, and i muttered a sorry.

"whatever. the others are waiting for you." yoongi said, leaving the room. once i reached the living room, i saw them all sitting down together.

"oh, thank god! i thought we were going to make you unconscious for days. now, we're going to leave you two alone. all of them left, leaving me and taehyung alone.

"oh, so you were the one that kidnapped me? why didn't you talk to me-" i got cut off by him, but not word, his lips. his soft lips moving against mine. i couldn't react. i was frozen. 

"this is totally not happening, isn't it? i'm just in a stupid dream that i will wake up from. my crush isn't kissing me right now?" you thought to yourself.

"s-sorry," taehyung says, rubbing his neck. "i-i have never wanted to kidnap you. never! but the others were the one who thought of it. i-i... have a crush on you."

"are you kidding?" you asked in disbelief. "you know i like you too."

taehyung smiled happily. "then i can come to you whenever?"

you nod.

"i love you, mina."

"i love you too, tae."

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