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after a few months, jimin and yeonji became closer friends. jimin had started to feel something towards yeonji which scared him.

jimin was too scared about telling yeonji about the feelings he has for her. he was actually known for being shy and nervous to the girls he likes.

but, that girl right now is his one and only best friend, kim yeonji.

"jiminie. taehyung is here to see you." jimin's mom said through the door. the said boy hummed and put down his phone.

jimin opened the door to see taehyung standing right there in front of him. the older yelped and jumped back and fell on his butt due to how scared he was.

"hi!" taehyung said innocently.

"yah! how- why are you here?! you scared the life out of me! geez..." jimin exclaimed. taehyung giggled.

"i have done nothing wrong. i just stood there in front of your door and waited for you to open it. i am here to discuss my sister with you." taehyung said in a monotone voice.

"what? what happened to yeonji?" jimin asked hurriedly.

"woah... woah... calm down dude. i just wanted to discuss your relationship with her." taehyung put both of his hands up.

the younger walked towards jimin's bed and laid there.

jimin closed the bedroom door and sat next to taehyung.

"what do you mean about our relationship? nothing's wrong..." jimin mumbled.

"my sister likes you too you know?" taehyung said. jimin's eyes widened.

"does taehyung know that i like yeonji as well?" jimin thought.

"you- how did- what?!" jimin was very confused at this point.

"i could see it in your eyes. you like my sister as well. yeonji likes you too. that's why she was so sad when she heard you say you wanted to ask jennie out." taehyung continued while looking at the ceiling.

"you got to be kidding me right now. you're joking right?" jimin asked. taehyung shook his head.

"well, i have to wait for the right moment to ask her out anyway. i don't want to ask her out right now. i think i might take her out to the amusement park today." jimin said. taehyung immediately sat up.

"great! what time? when are you coming back? what clothes are you going to wear?" taehyung rambled on, getting very excited about jimin's and yeonji's "date."

"geez tae... calm down. i'll ask her now." jimin said as he fished out his phone.

yeonjii 😩

hey yeonji. wanna go to the amusement park today?
10:30 AM

what time?
10:30 AM

around... 1:00 or 2:30? anytime you want
10:30 AM

1 will be fine. i'll text you when i'm done with my lesson!
10:31 AM

great! cya then! and i'll pick you up
10:31 AM

jimin was practically smiling at that moment. looking like an idiot, taehyung photoed the older.

"you- you actually look like an idiot right now." taehyung said while laughing. jimin hit taehyung with a pillow near him.

"you have to help me get ready for this." jimin warned. 


after a few hours, jimin and yeonji got was ready for the "date." taehyung was practically jumping up and down when helping jimin get ready.

"you better be taking care of her carefully or else i will kill you." taehyung glared which made jimin laugh. 

jimin waved taehyung of and drove to yeonji's house.

he knocked on the door to reveal yeonji perfectly dressed beautifully and ready to go.

"w-wow..." jimin blurted out.

"s-sorry... lisa dressed me up. do you want me to change or-" jimin quickly shut her up.

"n-no! you're b-beautiful already! let's go?" jimin could see a faint blush on yeonji's cheek.

"ok." yeonji smiled.

who knew that the "date" could change both of their lives together?



nevermind... part 6 or 7 will be the last one. XD

don't forget to comment, vote, and share!


(words: 646)

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