[ 54 ] PART ONE | "HI?"

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yoongi has always been a shy and insecure boy ever since he was born. he rarely makes friends; well, maybe he never tries to make friends. he always fails on making friends and ends up making the other person laugh at him.

that's why he is always alone in highschool right now. he has no friends to interact with, to sit with at lunch, to laugh with, etc. he's alone.

the main insecurity is his body, he basically thinks that his body is ugly and that he has a very high chance in not making a friend or even getting a boyfriend.

yes, yoongi is gay. he isn't openly gay and only his parents know (well, of course only his parents. he doesn't have friends he could share with).

yoongi has only talked with one person and that is park jimin.

the first time they met was very awkward. yoongi was stuttering the whole time which makes jimin think that yoongi has a disorder.

now this, is the actual story of when jimin and yoongi met officially.


yoongi was walking down the sidewalks from school when he was suddenly caught up by the one and only park jimin.

yoongi looked at jimin nervously and looked down immediately after seeing the boy smile at him.

"hi! been a long time since we've talked with each other right?" jimin asked gleefully.

"hi?" yoongi managed to say. jimin giggled the squeaky sound which sounded like music to yoongi's ears.

"why are you so nervous around me? are you like... shy around people?' jimin asked to which yoongi nodded.

"ah... well, we could go to your house and we'll get to know each other. how's that?" jimin suggested. yoongi could barely talk so he nodded in response.

jimin kept hanging his hands on yoongi's shoulder though the older didn't mind. yoongi tried to engage in a conversation with jimin but he didn't know what to say.


as soon as they arrived at yoongi's house, his mom, mrs. min, greeted both of them.

"yoongi! hi! oh? who's this young man you brought home?" mrs. min asked. yoongi blushed hard and stared at the floor.

"sorry. my name is park jimin. a friend of yoongi." jimin smiled and shook mrs. min's hand.

"nice to meet you jimin! yoongi has never really told anything about you! did you guys just met today?" yoongi's mother asked.

jimin opened his mouth to say something but yoongi beat him to it. "we better head upstairs now mom! we have uh homework to do!" yoongi pulled jimin upstairs to his room making yoongi's mother chuckle.

"i'm glad you found someone to be friends with." yoongi's mother mumbled before getting back to the dishes.


meanwhile, in yoongi's bedroom; jimin was admiring every single piece that was in yoongi's room. he seems pretty shocked that yoongi's room wasn't pitch black considering the fact that yoongi practically wears black clothes every single day.

"wow... your room is very bright considering your closet having so many black articles of clothing." jimin commented. yoongi hummed in delight.

"yeah... i usually act all emo outside when i have a room that looks like a children's one," yoongi mumbled before laughing lightly.

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