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"hey... look at him! so ugly and fat right?" a girl snickered as taehyung walked by her. his head was hung low when the students made fun of him.

he was always alone in high school. always alone... 

even if taehyung tried to ignore the harsh words they say about him, he can't. the words kept on replaying in his mind. no matter how hard he tries to forget them, he just can't.

no one is there to help him. no one cares about him. no one is there to tell him that they love him...

words were written on his locker as he reached there.




piece of shit


gay loser

taehyung let out a shaky breath as he started to leave his locker. the other students started to laugh at him.

tears started falling down his eyes as he speed-walked. 

everything made taehyung fall into depression.

taehyung was known as the only gay in school... although he didn't know 6 other people were the same as him.


that was around 3-4 years ago and taehyung still remembered the pain he goes through.

he quietly sobbed in his room which he shared with jungkook. he wiped his tears furiously though he knew it won't stop flowing

"tae? are you ok there?" jungkook asked from outside. taehyung's crying halted as he heard his crush's voice.

"y-yeah... i'm f-fine..." the older answered. 

"then why won't you let me in?" the younger asked.

"ah! shit! sorry!" taehyung exclaimed and unlocked the door.

"why did you lock the door?" jungkook asked.

"i-i was just out of the s-shower! ya... i was out of the s-shower..." taehyung lied.

jungkook did an 'uh-huh' sound then said. "why are you using the same clothes then?"

taehyung's eyes immediately widened. 

well shit... i'm going to get caught...

"i-" taehyung didn't know what to say...

"stop lying to me please... i don't want you to bottle up your feelings! please... just tell me what's wrong..." jungkook pleaded.

taehyung started crying. jungkook hugged him tightly as taehyung cried onto his shoulder.

"i-i just... i was thinking a-about my p-past... i don't- i didn't want to think about that anymore b-but it just came into my mind again! i feel so insecure about myself that i s-started to consider what they s-said was true! i can't keep my f-feelings towards y-you... i-i felt like i was t-to fat to eat before so i r-rejected dinner and-" jungkook shushed the older.

"shh... first of all, please don't feel insecure about yourself. you're very beautiful inside and out. second of all, why would i reject someone like you? you're the most beautiful human being i have ever met in my life! i'm glad that you have the same feelings as me, but please... stop thinking about the past and be proud about yourself, ok?" jungkook ranted.

by the time jungkook was done ranting, taehyung had stopped crying and he smiled.

"y-you love me too?" taehyung asked.

"yes... a lot... you don't even know how much i love you ok? i just love you so much!" jungkook exclaimed and hugged taehyung tighter, which made the older squeal...

"i love you so much..."

"me too tae... i love you too..."



well, this was unexpected... i thought that it would've been until a seventh part but i thought wrong... anyways, hope you liked the "series"!

don't forget to comment, vote, and share!


(words: 576)

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