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owner! taehyung
hybrid bunny! jungkook

"kookie! time for your bath!" taehyung exclaimed. he heard the younger whine. jungkook slowly came up to taehyung, revealing himself; black bunny ears, large doe eyes, a black stubby tail, and a pout on his face.

"but i don' wanna!" jungkook exclaimed and stomped both of his feet. taehyung almost started cooing because of jungkook's cuteness but he kept a stern face on.

"jungkook. if you don't go take a bath right now, i am sure i will spank you here and now. 10 times." taehyung said sternly. jungkook visible gulped but didn't move and inch.

"but kookie don' wanna! kookie wan' pway with taetae!" jungkook whined and crossed his arms, the pout still remained on his face.

taehyung glared at jungkook and said, "well, i guess i'll have to spank you and not give you your carrot cake for dessert."

jungkook's lips quivered and mumbled, "ok! fine, i'll go take bath!" and left to the bathroom.

taehyung chuckled to himself and was just about to sit down on the couch before he heard, "taetae! help me!"

the older huffed and walked towards the bathroom. jungkook was standing in his jeans the zipper looking as if it was broken.

jungkook looked up and sheepishly smiled, "the zipper's b-broken."

taehyung sighed before walking towards jungkook and helped him opening up his zipper. jungkook smiled softly and entered the bathtub; of course naked, he took his boxers off as well.

"do you want me to help you shower?" taehyung asked softly to which jungkook nodded.

"taetae help kookie shower because he doesn't k-know how!" jungkook exclaimed cutely. if you didn't notice already, jungkook is a little hybrid.

he has not been in heat yet and he's absolutely scared of going in heat. but taehyung is always there to help jungkook no matter what.

"ok koo. close your eyes or not shampoo will go in your eyes." taehyung muttered and jungkook complied. he closed his eyes shut and let taehyung wash his hair.

taehyung watched how jungkook played with the bubbles that were surrounding him, how he jumped when a bubble pop right in front of him, and how his eyes lit up when he managed to hold a tiny bubble in his hand.

"taetae! look! a wubble is in kookie's hands!" jungkook giggled cutely and showed taehyung the tiny bubble that was standing in the middle of his palm.

"that's fascinating koo! how'd you make it?" taehyung asked excitedly as he rinsed off the shampoo.

"i don' know... it came to me!" jungkook exclaimed and smiled. taehyung couldn't resist the cuteness of his boyfriend so he had to pinch the younger's cheek.

as soon as taehyung finished washing jungkook, he helped the younger get his pyjamas on; which jungkook was shy at first.

"baby what do you want to watch while eating dinner?" the brunette asked.

"kookie wan' to watch wapunzel!" the red-head boy answered. taehyung smiled and set up the movie before he started making dinner.

"kookie wanna eat c-cawots! cawots are wummy!" jungkook whined when he saw taehyung cut some broccoli.

"kookie baby... you need to eat different types of vegetables. not just carrots!" taehyung sighed, he was already tired but he needed to take care of jungkook.

"no! kookie don' wanna eat if no warrots!" jungkook complained. taehyung sighed and placed the knife he was using, down.

"kookie please. i'm already tired from work and now i have to deal with your complaints and whining, kookie please... i-i already had a bad day already." taehyung sobbed as he approached jungkook.

the younger has a soft look on his face when he saw his hyung crying.

"taetae- 'm sorry... kookie didn't mean to hurt you..." jungkook muttered softly. taehyung wiped his tears away and smiled weakly.

"it's ok baby. now, will you eat the broccoli i cut up for you?" taehyung asked and jungkook nodded with a pout on his face.


once dinner was done, jungkook sat down on the table, picking on his food; which was broccoli (of course) and steak.

"kookie, baby. why aren't you eating?" taehyung asked once he finished chewing his steak. jungkook didn't answer but kept picking on his food.

"baby if you don't want to eat you could've told me! i didn't have to make steak for you!" taehyung exclaimed.

jungkook then muttered something taehyung couldn't make up.

"what? kookie i need you to speak more clearly please." taehyung stated.

jungkook sighed and said, "i want you to feed me. kookie wan' taetae to feed."

taehyung giggled and sat down next to jungkook, "ok. you don't need to be scared to ask for permissions like that. but, i want you to wait for me until i finished eating ok?"

jungkook nodded happily and opened his mouth wide. taehyung smiled before giving jungkook a piece of meat and broccoli.

jungkook chewed happily and smiled softly when taehyung gave him a smile.


after taehyung had finished feeding jungkook and eating dinner for himself, they both sat on the couch, cuddling each other while watching rapunzel.

"hyung! look! rapunzel is going down the castle!" jungkook exclaimed and clapped happily. "go! escape from the evil castle!"

taehyung stared at jungkook lovingly. even if the boy wasn't in the mind of a little, taehyung still loved him no matter what.

and that's the story of the little bunny hybrid and the sweet, caring owner.



a little quick note, even if in the title it says "PART ONE", this series isn't connected with each other :)

(words: 933)

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