[ 20 ] PAIN.

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"she accepted him tae... i'm sorry to tell you this now! he wanted to tell it himself but he has to go on a date with her today!" jimin exclaimed. jimin was the only one who knows that taehyung has a crush on jungkook.

taehyung's heart was breaking, but he was smiling. a fake one to be exact.

"i'm going to be fine hyung. i just- need time alone right now." taehyung said to jimin. the older could clearly see tae's broken heart right now. taehyung didn't need to lie to jimin.

"are you sure tae? i could accompany you-" taehyung cut him off.

"i'm fine hyung! can you leave me alone now?!" taehyung snapped at him. jimin wasn't taken aback though.

"ok tae... just call me if you need someone ok? i'm always free." jimin smiled at him and left.

once jimin left, taehyung let go of his emotions he was hiding inside. he was crying. he was broken. he was... destroyed...

"why?! why can't you just see that i loved you longer than her?! why can't you see that i'm sacrificing everything just for your happiness with her?!" taehyung was clearly shouting these out while throwing everything he saw. 

and jimin could hear him. he was standing in front of the younger's room. jimin could only sigh in sorrow. 

"tae! i'm home- oh? jimin-hyung!" jungkook exclaimed once he got home. jimin got startled as jungkook suddenly appeared on the front door.

he knew taehyung was still inside, broken.

a part of jimin wanted jungkook to go inside and comfort taehyung but the other part of jimin told him to talk to jungkook and distract him until taehyung was calm.

"j-jungkook! y-you're back! how-" the sound of glass breaking was heard from taehyung's room. jimin could see jungkook's eyes widened at the sound.

"w-what was that? tae! tae are you-" jungkook pushed past jimin and opened the door to only find taehyung sitting on the floor. blood covered his hands. he was crying. the room was a mess due to taehyung throwing stuff.

jungkook seemed scared for his bestfriend. 

"tae what happened?!" jungkook asked taehyung, who wouldn't answer him. because taehyung knew that if he spoke, he will only confess his feelings to jungkook.

taehyung was shaking as he cried. he couldn't answer jungkook. the younger was starting to cry at taehyung's state.

"tae please. please tell me what happened." jungkook was practically begging taehyung to answer him.

taehyung took in a shaky breath before answering. "i-i'm fine kookie. you don't n-need to worry a-about me." 

jimin could only watch in worry. he knew taehyung was lying. jimin knew why he was lying. taehyung was lying to only keep jungkook happy. he didn't want jungkook to worry about taehyung.

'i love you! that's the problem right now! i can't just tell you how i feel when you got someone in your heart!' taehyung thought.

"taehyung. i know you're lying right now. be honest with me please." jungkook pleaded.

that's when jimin knew taehyung lost his shit.

"i fucking love you ok! i fucking love you that it hurts seeing you and her together! i sacrificed my happiness for your happiness! i kept on a smile every time you talk about her! i kept on saying that you guys look cute together because i didn't want you to be hurt! i fucking love you ok?!" taehyung confessed everything.

jungkook was in a state of shock. he was speechless.

"i already know that you like me as a best friend only jungkook. you don't need to tell me that you don't have feelings for me." taehyung told jungkook.

jungkook felt bad towards taehyung. 

"i'm sorry tae... i should've recognised your feelings for me earlier then this wouldn't have happened!" jungkook complained.

taehyung was heartbroken, but he wanted to let jungkook know that he was ok, even if he was lying.

"kook... i'm fine... just-just broken... i guess..." taehyung said. jungkook wanted to hug taehyung but the older pushed him away.

"i-i should probably get going now." taehyung said. he was broken and jimin could see it all.

"tae-" jungkook tried calling him back but taehyung left. jimin held jungkook back from chasing taehyung.

"hyung let go of me! i need to talk to him!" jungkook tried to let loose of jimin's hold but he couldn't.

"jungkook. listen to me. i'm going to tell you everything right now so listen to me carefully. taehyung has been liking you for about 2 years now. he didn't want to tell you since it will break your friendship with him. every time you guys never hung out, taehyung called me. every damn time he called me he would be crying. you know the reason? because you kept on telling him how much you loved her. he sacrificed his happiness jungkook. for yours. he might keep on telling you that you both look good together but guess what? he's doing that so you don't get offended." jimin explained everything to jungkook.

meanwhile, taehyung was crying endlessly. he couldn't bear the pain that was in his heart. taehyung wanted it to go away but he couldn't. maybe... maybe this was how it was supposed to be between him and jungkook.

maybe he was the only one that could only feel pain.



argh!!! i can't believe i wrote an angst one for my favorite ship of all time!! but, i hope you guys liked this one!

don't forget to comment, vote and share!


(words: 919)

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